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Thinking Out Loud in Words 180

Writer's picture: GWGW
  • 180

  • When people R looking for housing... prices rise...?...Instead of First Come then First Serve.... but...this is Capitalism...

  • Ur all worrying about costs ...but...not Ur

  • Can u run a pipeline from the ocean to the river with desalinized a lake...obviously to a plant...

  • Right now no one is worried about water because we have plenty on the planet...but...we are almost all out of groundwater...some locations running low...we have the oceans to tap into...but..what will happen when we run out...?...I'm an optimist by Hope... so I believe when the oceans get to their original level at worst ...and... the Earth is cleaned up of pollution, crime, and poverty that is forced ...then nature will sense that we as a civilization R advancing forward...therefore the rains will keep things stabilized...this is my Hope...

  • Perhaps the story of Jesus is just that a story...?...let me finish...Now, I am not arguing if there was a real person...or...not...but...the fact that anyone can become a Jesus ...but not all actions result in the same... to be a chosen one...We are all children of God by definition, we all have God within us, literally...So he or she knows our thoughts, decisions, expectations, and the results of our actions...not from above but from within...So was there a Jesus ...very likely...was mother Teresa a opinion is likely that could have been...but perhaps didn't have the mind to translate... was many of the Greats throughout history...?...very likely...just didn't have the minds to translate and realize...Being Jesus doesn't take perfection...just not repeating the same... in other words advancing forward...

  • I mentioned earlier that % of DNA race could equal the most recent lives lived ...Well what if...perhaps it is Ur parents...and theirs is their parents and on and on down the family tree...perhaps...with Urs in Ur child's DNA...just another perhaps just a guess...

  • If there was a big bang then why R the suns distributed relatively evenly by Ratio...and we do not have clumps of suns in did the Universe get galaxies...

  • Headaches could B just Ur brain telling U something in Ur body is not normal...a warning sign... since The brain controls all...surprisingly I haven't had a headache in over 20 years since my disability...I've had exhaustion or tired & worn-out feelings...from thinking too hard... that's about it...

  • They want us to figure out how to contact them, then they will observe and figure things out...but we need to get their when they will take us seriously...get their attention specifically ...we might always B under their it's going to have to B more than shooting radio signals to the sky.

  • Does God Exist...?...Depends if U believe or not...the choice is Urs...He or she does not force it onto others...

  • I believe there is an afterlife in reincarnation...after U make it to heaven the afterlife could be by choice...but U would earn that choice...perhaps either go on...or... this is too sci-fi to try to explain but become a robot/ cyborg type and create another earth-like planet..this would B how a person realistically would become immortal...their robots would be identical, ultra-realistic, U probably can't tell the difference on the outside...perhaps...these R my thoughts... only my thoughts...

  • none of them would board the ark...they'd have to B caged and then put on the ark...

  • Do bacteria talk to each other or would they have an instinct they follow...either way, the translation is the same... like cells would communicate with each other...that would B how they expand and grow...

  • Gender equality could happen because of less physical work...but what exactly does gender equality mean...?...or methods made to be easier...for both genders but both need to have a certain size and strength characteristics...

  • How can we B programming AI if don't agreeably know what I is...?...

  • Is it dangerous to wake a sleepwalker...?...Depends on the kind of Dream they are Having...Perhaps...

  • A real AI might be unable to B programmed and would need to program itself through experiences... that's how the human mind programs itself and determines what kind of a person one becomes ... whether evil, scared, courageous, etc......U could only teach...or...program it so much ( but to guide it )... the rest it needs to figure out on its own by the experiences that leave a lasting memory of them...perhaps...

  • The Same As A Human Child...

  • If we do have a parallel Universe...or...2nd...Might have it been Created by ETs...Might they have figured it out...?...Crazy...Maybe...But a thought ...if they figured out how to create us ...get us on this planet...after building and decorating our home...perhaps even creating the foundation...What would eliminate the thought that another canvas has been created...

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