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Thinking Out Loud 101

Updated: Jan 16, 2021

Intelligence is not always choosing the right choice...but...Intelligence is realizing when the wrong choice was chosen...


Is Bitcoin a possible solution to a single World Wide Currency...?

1 point = 1$...1 point = 1 euro...and so forth...Universal in all Countries...


Would U not be able to replicate Alex Trebek from all his videos?/shows...including voice replication...?...perhaps...U could mock him up in a Muppets/Puppets form until robots become realistic enough...adding some comedy...perhaps...


Flu cases are down this year...?...No they are not states the next article...?...Freedom of speech at it's finest...where do you find the truth...?...we have 100's or 1000's of news sources world wide...who do U trust...?...the organization that is not for profit...?... maybe...but...not necessarily...perhaps government...?...only if one believes propaganda

as fact...ones best option would probably be a not for profit with actual fact checking a capitalist world...?

Or is it up to us to figure things out...then why Do we even need news agencies if they stoop low enough to give their viewers false information...


Question...Would U still be able to have an erection with the help of Viagra when one is castrated...?

I'm assuming Yes, Probably, Maybe...

Probably Unless blood flows through the testicles...

Maybe with a surgery adjustment bypassing the middle men (testicles)...

listened to podcast this morning on the subject...Transgender...pre-op...female locker room...

If 1 wants to be able to use female locker room but transgender...perhaps think about castration (America ?)...could still have anal sex...possibly still get erection with Viagra...? need for extensive boy mutilating sex change surgery... If U still want to get rid of the penis...go at're an adult...U have the choice...

How does the majority feel about this...Would females still feel threatened...?

Pedophiles should take note on above statement, possibly getting castrated...getting Help through yourselves from prison because you Will get caught...


Is a resignation still a resignation when U have less than a month left...How many day's if any is a resignation still relevant...?...At this point I would think it is simply for show to the next guy or gal...too save face...


When one takes their billions / millions earned in profits and puts in bank...that's money taken from the less money to circulate within the system...(sure, they can just print money ...but... that will also raise prices)...the economy must make up the money lost...Do that enough times and at the same time raising prices... you get the problems we have today...lost $ = low wages = raised prices...Simply put...U have less money that circulates within the economic system...


Are cloud services connected to the grid or do most have energy power backups...?...what about the internet as a whole...what happens to all the matter online, case of an attack...? there a way to secure the internet in the USA...?


In my opinion... I think Business schools are teaching on how to destroy the economy... rather then how to sustain a healthy economy...The way to sustain is to have as many small business' as possible that many prosper and many have places of employment...The way from my understanding of what is being taught to seek and destroy...translation...Buy Out...and make the quick $BUCK$...

I assume one would want to manufacture at home by way of small business... to keep all employed...Keeping the manufacturing small ...maintains a steady price and quality...We in America have gone away from quality because we have constant upgrades... that are becoming more meaningless with every new integration...and we have developed low expectations...

I am going to suggest something...which will upset some...but...this is only a suggestion...nothing is written in a deep breath... perhaps close your eyes for a few well...but...perhaps we should have new models every 2-3 years...Dare I say 5...(while maintaining software upgrades in between)...the model upgrades would be more would be easier to justify the upgrade...Would allow many to save for new model...Anticipation (especially when you have quality)...

Quality sustains customers...not that big of deal today because we just upgrade to new model... even when unjustifiable...So how is extending time between new models good...?...

Well I have the customer in mind as well as the economy...even the I'm trying to figure out a way to sustain a healthy economy so the customer has money to spend and You stay in business...

Perhaps think about going smaller scale with your product rather then large or huge

scale...needing to skimp on components / materials / ingredients and ultimately screw the consumer so you can earn a profit......just a need for backlash...

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