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Thinking Out Loud 102

Writer's picture: GWGW

I think executive orders should be voted on by the people...As it is right now the President signs one ruling over all people... Technically he should only sign it if it wins the majority...He works for the people...they elected him or her...

that's what is wrong with American Politics...U vote in said democracy...questionable...You get ruled by disguised dictatorship...By giving him the right to rule all over you...Technically he should only rule your safety over you...Everything else should be majority ruled...

And in today's day and age... with technology at the forefront... you do not need representation... other then to convince or represent the sides of the the public...not within... to each other ...again...a disguised dictatorship mentality...


Thought idea: Grade adjustable putting green for backyard...?


aluminum extrusion frame and mount, for hydraulics...

hydraulics...somehow mount adjustable wood planks... at tips...rubber sheeting ...over top...or other type of material...covered by turf...

Depending on size of wood planks...and...spacing of hydraulics...the planks most likely would not need to be adjustable...just chamfered...

or not...?...perhaps...


Thought Idea 2: Professional air fryer..."Possibly"...?

Possibly put a heating element and fan at each end ...Front...Back...sides L/

Offset fans at each end...for circulation...Perhaps

Would this be considered Overkill...or...Professional...?


Nature has Nature do it's work for it...Humans are part of nature...ET's are part of Nature...God is within...Not in the sky...

We evolved from monkeys...they say, supposedly...

Were we or are we an experiment of ET"s...If they indeed were responsible for the pyramids and Mayan and Aztec temples...Did they place the first people of Civilizations after evolutionary they were perfecting the Gene Code...

This would explain "which came first...the Chicken...or...the Egg"....Question...?...for Humans...Still trying to figure out ET's (have some theories)

Before you laugh...they were smart enough for UFO technology back 1000's of years you never know for sure...but...makes me wonder...

The more I think about this idea...the more I believe this theory...over the evolution theory...or perhaps the 2 combined...

Bigfoot might have been an experiment that went extinct...perhaps


To debunk Flat Earth Believers...simply ask them how it can be Daylight at one end of the the same moment it is Nighttime at the other end of the World...if they still argue...just walk away...

This has probably been asked already (I humbly apologize if so)...


ET's seemed to have figured it out...they advance forward...while we fight back...

Fight back: destroy any advancement a country makes forward...


God and Evil R within...the choice is yours on who U select to follow...


I'm going to get a lot of crap for this but...I'm not really a fan of guaranteed contracts...I think they handicap a team at the time of contract and sometimes beyond...perhaps

signing bonus ...?...(not cap related...?.)

base salary for entire team or base per position...

incentivize everything's...starts...per play (played)...per game injuries...sacks... back yards...tackles...assisted...etc...

penalties (- subtract)

Teams can still give contracts for $ amount but would only be paid if those goals would be met...otherwise you get what U earn...

U can still have a salary cap...lets say the years cap is reached...but...that is only if all incentives for contracts are met...otherwise U only payout what is earned...saving the left over to be added to the next years cap...You'll want to keep the incentives realistic, though...perhaps...

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