Profit for Profit
Profit is the root of all Evil...Not Capitalism...but...Profit...
Profit is a reason Socialism never worked...
Profit is a cause for Crime to exist...
Profit leads to Poverty
Profit will cause one to lie...cheat...rob...assault...kill...scam...corrupt...steal...screw the consumer...
Profit...if one buys cheap or one overpays...either's for Profit...
Profit for Profit
Profits need Wages as Wages need Profits...think about it...
Those singing and praying for God...Realize he is not a magician...Realize he has been communicating since the beginning of time...Realize he can only communicate through mind and body...Realize he cannot save one unless one save's them self...Realize one must put in the work...Realize he is neither a him or a her...Realize religion is a translation...Realize it's all in the translation...Realize...
Technically does the US government owe U back money... when U purchased your property... initially...If they stole the land from U then resold it at a profit to you...because technically it did not belong to the homebuilder...U would still owe for the home...but technically he deserves money back also for the land he purchased...
You'd still owe yearly taxes but how can they charge you taxes initially when it doesn't belong to them...State taxes are understandable
should you get taxed twice...once for earning money ...and... again for spending it...
U have two different arguments
if u make above a certain amount
1a. Fair share
2a.Hardly feels impact
2.if u make under a certain amount
1b. Benefits the most
2b.hardest affected by the cost
Is the reason we get taxed twice because of high Profits...?...or is it mishandling...?...or is it both...
schools-underfunded-some infrastructure needed
benefits-Medicare, disability. unemployment, etc...
natural disasters
If cost of living was lower and stabilized
profits could be lower
savings passed on to consumer...(more spending power)
salaries would be lower
wages would be low
economy would be constantly kicking in high currency would circulate
increases in housing is causing the need for higher wages
as the cost of everything increases it causes the need to increase wages...common sense...
To find out:
Yearly amount collected in taxes
should school be an all day thing...with obvious breaks in between and nutrition through out day...say 9-6 or current from 8-6...but what about little league practice after school...?...
current school hours seem as if we are rushing through school with 5 minutes to get to your next class...
should school stay the same but in school till 6 to play with friends ...get extra help on art projects
use time for example 3-6 for play and arts ...while 8 or 9-2 or 3 for academics...
Smoke & Mirrors
I keep hearing how Chump is good for the economy...How...?...I believe that... that is believed because it say's Chump (Trump) in gold letters on his building that he probably claimed bankruptcy on...never paid all the folks who contribute to the economy...never paid certain workers who would have spent that money in the economy....this he did 6 times...hurting the economy by not allowing those businesses to turn around and put that money back into the economy...He is all smoke and mirrors...not to mention he screws the economy by claiming he is a poor man in his taxes...( Although done by many) so not entirely his fault on the taxes...
He is good for the stock market ...but... the stock market is bad for the economy...why you ask...?...well... because the stock market is all about any cost...the stock market forces profit over people...people equals economy...with prices rising to fund profits ...and... people losing work (for profits)... so work goes over seas because of higher profits...
All Smoke & Mirrors...Just like his promises...Think about it...
Just like...if he is successful...and bankrupts this country...that will be the end of our economy...What country leaders would like to see that...???...Think about it...
I mentioned earlier... covid could be the start to world with our defenses being exposed...Our leader plays the blame game ...rather then defending...Think about it...Playing Dumb is a strategic those leaders who are smarter then ours...Don't get me wrong Chump is not purposely sabotaging us...perhaps...he just doesn't know any better...I hope that I'm overthinking this...But those set on bankrupting the country...think twice because there is always the possibility of being unable to recover...I'm not trying to fearmonger ...but... it's a leaders job to defend ...and... take all angles into consideration...Except our leader... who is busy campaigning...worried about the next 4 years...not the current situation...
has anything been ever...done about secure voting...?...if not...then I apologize...but...this is fuckin ridiculous if nothing has been done...Here Chump fuckin bitches about fraud... with mail in BALLOTS...But has done nothing to fix our voting idiots keep cheering for him...just answer me why....well Biden is like 78...yehhh...but Chump is like 71...doing nothing a leader is suppose to your eyes...
Not to offend anyone...but...think about what U R doing...Last election you voted for Chump over what do you do...the same... Chump and Biden...the Democrats are a joke ...along with the Republicans...Democrats for choosing Biden ...and... where do I start with the Republicans... who call themselves people who follow God... except they do everything against what he stands for..