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Thinking Out Loud in Words 158

Writer's picture: GWGW
  • We do not vote 4 the government democratically. And never have....To have a democracy...U need a choice of 3...U all have been lied to 4 all these years...A choice of 2 is by force...technically U have the green party as the 3rd which is why the claim of a democracy...but really the choice is 2 as the 3rd always has no shot...perhaps because Green goes with tea...but...White goes in the middle...

  • perhaps,

  • CEOs should get a figure of like 15x, 20x, ?...of the average worker.. .or something like...with earned bonuses upon accomplishments...

  • There has got to B a way that prices could B reset prices... World Wide to like 1950's level or something like...The prices to B the equivalent of todays...but...smaller numbers...

  • Tunnels are a Good idea...but...many states have a concern of flooding...

  • Socialism is supposed to B based on Earning...Instead of socially giving for no effort...

  • For thought...but...what if one could earn by teaching newborn on Maternity Leave...perhaps levels of accomplishments would B verified by Pediatrician...thoughts...?...or...raising kids...Earning would B based on acomplishments...?...Earned by both the primary adult doing teaching or raising and child with the accomplishments....

  • Points would be just like bank account added when earned...but...subtracted when redeemed...The goal would B to have a certain amount of points to reach end game...U don't have to reach the end...if U decide otherwise...but...that would B the concept...

  • A kill switch might not be needed if empathy taught into machine...perhaps...

  • To B self critical ...can B... to B humble...

  • perhaps...

  • u Cannot have Anarchy with Crime and the need for safety...not at mass scale...This is why it has never worked in Reality...Especially when Folks don't learn from mistakes...Perhaps One could in a small community but not at mass scale...

  • Does freezing time translate to putting a freeze on prices...?...For example...If prices were to B reset to 1950's era without increasing prices... due to having inflation...Does this translate to freezing time...?...To reset would B to go back in time...

  • Racism against whites is different than against colored...mainly because many whites, (not all) have choice in neighborhoods they visit...colored often do not...But Racism is Racism...

  • Just wish people would get it in their minds...that a person has no choice about their skin color they R born with...or nationality into...So therefore ...Racism makes no sense... If Ur going to B racist then B racist against those who R unwilling to better matter what color or nationality...

  • Racism towards whites can B translated as Caused while Racism against colored can B translated as a Result...But since many can't get past it...Racism begins to even out as a Caused Result...for both sides...sooner or later...Someone has to B the Adult in the room...

  • With todays cars being smart cars and ability for self's not out of realm for a car to turn into knight riders "kit"...Perhaps "Kit" will become your therapist to talk to on the way to work...

  • "Kit" will schedule , remind (Birthdays, appointments), order online, phone in Ur reservations, etc......basically become Ur assistant...reminding U of important tasks...

  • that's just the beginning "Kit" will become smarter with age and perhaps will be able to transfer cars...

  • Now someone will say, well my phone can or will do most of that...Yes, but what if Ur phone could automatically talk to Ur car in real time so it knows whether it still needs doing or if its been done...

  • Better yet what if Ur car, phone, computers, All electronics talk to each other...that's most likely what is meant...

  • Would "Kit" get upset with U if U got into an accident...?...AI can develop a conscious overtime with self learning...perhaps...

  • How would "Kit react to being chased or pulled over by the law...?...Would he run or pull over, what if U had controll...? he cheer U on...of course it could B a he or a she...Then the two of U could argue on its

  • Is 5g necessary...?...besides speed...cant a phone network talk to each my fridge connected to a phone couldn't it talk to my cell phone or my car...Couldn't I lock or unlock my home by phoning in...?...Did I mention previously we already have video perhaps besides gaming...?...and large is 5g for...that you couldn't do with a router, inside...?...

  • By the way it's ridiculous we have to pay for the internet...with so much advertising...for pay should be without...

  • If something is wireless doesn't that mean that it's already capable wired...?...they don't make wireless before wired...

  • Overturning a decision already made...says the court was inept then and perhaps still...

  • that is similar like Chump trying to overturn the Election...Unless U have proof of the decision being in question...this might be exactly as...and I'm not sure it could be overturned...

  • A new Decision perhaps should B made but U can't change the past...This puts all cases who used this case for reference, now in question...depending on translation...that's just my opinion but overturning anything can question the results of others...once again this is just my perhaps...but...

  • I would expect the Supreme Court to know this...perhaps...

  • Something no one ever discuss...but some may see consequences due to an not being able to give natural child the future...and this is part no one ever discusses...but we have maternity doctors that fix those problems by force for now who is really challenging Gods wishes...

  • If folks want to save...then...Ur going to have to start doing things on Ur own...that's likely the only way to rid profit...or start doing... something for translation...but not what Ur all

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