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  • I wonder if U could make a hot air balloon fly automatically...and...fitting a carbon capture unit...onto it...?...perhaps above the clouds...or...some flying device... that's addition to an airplane's capability...

  • Could U heat the air of a hot air balloon electrically with a heater...

  • I don't know if this is possible or even practical...but...What if to update a satellite...would have to physically install it into the satellite...if possible this could, maybe, close open doors for updates...probably not practical...

  • Renewables R free and unlimited...and can B potentially be stronger...

  • Since natural elements come from the earth...then they would be reproducible, perhaps...

  • why R electric stoves flat (I know why...) but... perhaps not curved into the shapes

  • of Pans (in General)...more heating surfaces...perhaps...maybe a special type of pot/ pans...or a Wok type...(which I think I saw recently on TV, after typing this)...

  • I once saw this type of setup...I think it was called induction or something... can't remember exactly...but it was like boiling water in seconds...and was cool to the touch...only reacted to the material of the pan...

  • Do dogs not see to help not to lose focus...?...

  • If U have an infinity of rooms...How can U have every room occupied when U always have the next room open...?...Isn't Infinity, forever...So why would U move every room occupant over to the next that U have the first room open...?..(unless...perhaps, disabled)...I realize this is a parody... but... if U claim to have an infinite amount of rooms...U cannot claim any occupancy (filled) U always have one room more than capacity...Infinity pertains to the subject at hand...

  • Say U could get Ur body scanned ...and... then when U shop, online... wear VR-type glasses...B4 U buy...U'd know precisely how they fit......A win-win all around fewer returns for the store...less frustration 4 U...(hopefully)...U can update Ur scan somewhere, nearby...

  • BUT THIS DOES PUT Ur DIMENSIONS and SCAN...OUT THERE...Convenience does have a price...

  • The same branch of people who made the rules...broke the rules themselves...but...make everyone else follow their supposed is made we can change the rules...

  • Debt is only good if U have enough to cover...if U can't cover Do not get into it...Let's say U take a 10,000 loan but U have 10,000 cash...U put that 10000 into an account...but...U pay for items by U set up an Account to make monthly payments, automatically...U now build up Ur credit score by making payments...even though U have the money or didn't need it in the first place...That loan is getting paid back, building up Ur score while U have no worries...because U have the amount ...but...choose to make payments...The key is not to touch that money...leave it B for the loan repayment...

  • Have a new loan open a new account...but add to it if needed...while never subtracting from it...Let payments do the subtracting...

  • Possibly have an account for each type of savings, ...home, car, etc... perhaps do not have the full sum amount together...but...B organized...this could help out wrapping Ur head around Ur finances...

  • Can't wireless microphones be made...

  • Can U prevent potholes...?...or...would combining rubber with asphalt...make it more it simply because of the cold weather...

  • Could U powerwash high rises...could this clean up the look of certain areas combined with some basic landscaping...and refresh the inside with some paint...?...why is this so difficult to do to maintain...IS THERE A PAINT THAT RESISTS POLLUTION FROM THE ELEMENTS...?..or..perhaps powerwash...or... brush with Hot steam to conserve water...

  • not to upset should really B year round...very few read during summer or do any academic learning...beyond summer school.., which is forced for some...

  • Can an AI scanner machine be built where U feed it a say book technically reads it...and could in a sense grade it with a pass or, fail...and would determine if plagiarism...basically understanding what it's reading...while keeping in memory...?...also able to connect to a database of other machines...

  • I'm thinking of an effort-based reward / for reading a book...and then writing a book report on it...

  • In case Those in charge haven't read the memo...It's a leader's job to improve the lives of the people...I see most leaders living in luxury...but...many of Ur people living below, at, or slightly above, poverty...

  • The concept is simple...instead of working an hour for the dollar...Earn the dollar working an hour...Change Employer-based pay...

  • Taxes are paid by hours worked...Gov. Digitally takes payment by matching...

  • without physically touching...

  • We R already doing this... checks R cards = R is made up...Hours worked R not...

  • Is it possible to make a quiet blender or quieter... or is it just mine...?...

  • Stop trying to match cheap...have cheap catch quality...

  • Made in USA used to mean...The quality...but then again We don't make it in the USA anymore...And when we did most in the US could not afford...

  • If crypto would have to go through...or...B used in A blockchain...does this then put a hurt into hacking funds...perhaps, if accounts were registered...or some kind of could track, funds...?...

  • Fix your attention span possibly by listening to a podcast while watching the video...learn something while keeping your eyes busy...perhaps...

  • Ur keeping developing countries in poverty while forcing the developed country into poverty...what happens to U when all in poverty...?...Synchronization...this is how it can begin and U can figure out how it will end...Perhaps selling 1000 Iphones to the super-rich can even things out...But...some R choosing poverty on own while some R being forced through self-belief...but... some feel R forced by self capabilities...

  • Wouldn't we B able to form 1 huge digital library by combining all as 1...for the World to use for references when needed...Or do U have to buy Ur books...Universities have so much money in reserves...but...still make U buy Ur books...Ok that's so bad, I guess...but... U should pay them off with education...which is effort, by the way...

  • Do we become more susceptible to disease because our immune system skips major exercise points, due to vaccines...?...

  • When U offer unemployment by not earning but get close or more pay than earning by working...What do U think is supposed to happen...?...In an effort, earn no pay...its Ur choice...also a choice in how much or how little U earn...

  • the govern. gives bandaids with tax credits...for taxing U in the first place...

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