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Thinking Out Loud 29

In a previous blog post I had mentioned translation through a hearing aide, then I had my doubts depending on your environment...What if your wireless earphones had that feature, then one could control volume no matter the environment?...

Just heard google might already have this scratch that...

I've heard many times, people saying..."ah who gives a shit about climate change"..."I'm not gonna be around anyways!"...I always wonder about those who think this way .. do you actually love your grand kid's or if it's just an act?...

I always here how money can change a person but to have greed control you this're no different then a drug addict, you're just addicted to a different type of substance...just like a drug addict will steal and rob and murder to support his or her all will steal, rob and poison the earth and it's people to support yours

If you folks are counting on space....well, I have just one thing to say...Slowdown because the current and up to this point and future hopeful leadership is going to be a big NO or a big disappointment...

none of them to this point have been able to take care of this planet and you want or believe that they can start a new one? Seriously? To top it off you've already polluted space and you haven't visited it yet!...

There are still so many questions and then there's international fighting? we are loving to start wars and pay for them instead of investing in our future, kids, education, infrastructure, health care, space, etc...

I might have already mentioned this!...sorry if I did...but every new generation has the potential to be smarter then the previous...A family is like an A.I. system in a way...Being taught by the previous generation with the knowledge, short cuts and corrections in least that's the idea ...the corrections are key, that's what makes the update complete...

Actually when you really think about it, that concept applies to everything in life...without corrections you just keep repeating the same mistakes with the same result...

I watched a documentary this morning and thought that perhaps Adderall would be safer, less addictive, therefore make us more productive if it where micro dosed?

I've always believed that pretty much everything can be safe for you...if taken in moderation...So now I'm starting to believe with more confidence that the key to many of the drugs being safer is perhaps micro dosing

Logically thinking to make drugs safer would be to micro deal with tolerance you add variety so you can switch to something else while taking a break from the current...the key would be to eliminate all the fillers which makes them dangerous and is fueling the drug war!

This is an idea that just came to mind about streaming,so it's still being pieced together to make sense...say for example you are subscribed to a particular company, doesn't matter who...the channels you get under your subscription, would be activated across all other services...if you wanted the additional channels provided by that service, it would cost you extra...

activated across all services but accessible in a central area say amazon or youtube, where ever but everything accessible in one area like a browser...basically it would be a true alla carte service...each service would have it's own specialties...

not sure how the economics would work...the way channels are bundled and feels hostage subscribing to all channels even though viewing a few or just choosing a service...this might be just babble after I read it a few more it might get erased eventually...

Sometimes I feel guilty or misunderstood for sure because of the way and or over effort I put into my set the record straight...I know I exercise inefficiently by using as much effort as I do...

but the reason I do it and it is something I need to do is for my psyche, if I don't feel absolutely exhausted... I feel like it was a wasted day or exercize...I don't need to spend all day but I feel I need to totally exert myself inn order to feel it was a good workout or exercise...

helps me stay out of depression as totally exerting myself it is and has been easier for me to deal with the fact I am disabled and cannot do the things that I would normally be I'm to tired to want to do anything anyways... and ...with my interests, have had plenty to do alone...

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