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Thinking Out Loud 33


For a country so homophobic you sure are trying hard to replace women...or is it women trying to scare other women...what will happen, happens for a reason...learn to live with each other otherwise don't complain later on in time...

I have a gut feeling stating it makes me wonder...same feelings for the next statement

wouldn't it be humorous if those who are homophobic in this life...will be gay or lesbian or transgender in the next life...if they're lucky enough to go to heaven...karma...or...would you turn gay going through this life again...probably as well...

the more that i think about it the more sense it makes to me,...

going to heaven and moving on to the next civilization,... otherwise there really would be no reward...remember the earth is billions of years old so it had plenty enough info. over time to gather information and become so advanced to have alien lifeform... way back in time...

This whole thing about Trump being Gods chosen one could be true...?...Remember things happen for a reason...!...

Seriously how is everybody OK with Trumps constant lying or every politicians lying...The psychology of It boggles my mind, of how everyone knows about it and everyone is OK with it, while knowing...

Heaven is like a filter, only the good get through and the bad are filtered out, with there souls staying on earth... Therefore making earth, hell...the more people that are killed without making peace with God and giving up the evil influence,... the harder we make it upon ourselves and future generations, if we survive that long...

The more problems we are able to solve here on earth...the farther we can advance as a civilization in the future...

God can have influence on our minds and the creative thoughts we have...The evil thoughts are mis translated thoughts...God communicates with us all but not all translate correctly what he is trying to communicate...The highly successful are actually having there thoughts and success being influenced by God...Whenever one meditates, one actually communicates with God...Communicating with, believing in and following God is all about figuring things out...

Continuing to have senseless wars would eventually kill off the good (leaving only the bad to have there final war) but we continue to have offspring, extending our time...for corrections to be made...if we do not make the proper corrections, nature will have the final war upon us all...

Three strikes your out might be a clue...World War 1, World War 2,World War...?...

Remember God has control over our thoughts and creative's all dependant on ones translation...

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