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Thinking Out Loud 40


Might forests or rain forests inside Geodomes be a possible solution for oxygen on Mars...while we develop an ozone on the planet eventually...?...

Might building a geodome over your residence in say Florida prevent Hurricane wind damage...?...perhaps beach houses...?...(How can u prevent flood damage that comes along with hurricanes...?...raise the residence...?...)

I wonder if anyone else notices all the wasteful packaging in our grocery stores, all the plastic and then we always say, "but food is so expensive" much of the actual cost goes towards the product and not the marketing and packaging"...I'm so sick and tired of saying this but "wake up America"...

If the elites do not want to pay the American citizen, then they can start by not making us pay for this marketing, packaging...Because if they give you more money they will automatically raise prices and you will continue to pay for everything but the food, and will conveniently decept you ...All because you want convenience...

Americans are to wanted soft butter, they gave you wanted spreadable cheese, they gave you cheese in a bottle....You wanted one stop shopping, they gave you the grocery wanted cheap and easy, they gave you processed food... and on and on... You want convenience, you will get get what you are willing to pay for...

Capitalism without modification is not the answer...Socialism is not the answer...The answer lies somewhere in between...

Some regulation, smart regulation is needed, there practically is no more regulation and it has become ridiculously worse...they have very limited regulation and continue to poison you, the land, the water, the air and more...

They are deregulating safety measures for the consumer but they want to regulate things they can make money on...pure evil...remind me again how is Capitalism, as is, a good thing...

it doesn't matter if you are the wealthiest individual, it doesn't matter if you are the most famous person, it doesn't matter if you are the smartest person or the most of anything...the only thing that matters is bringing out the best in someone...allowing that other person to succeed...Become a team...Support each other...

Through my observations I feel that the elites will give you an opportunity to shine, no matter what color, language, sex, etc... when you become valuable...but it's giving everyone the same or even an opportunity, is where it becomes gray...getting from poverty to that point is like shooting blanks...

A humans role on earth is to be an example for others to follow...

Speculation but...How many coach's feel there significant other has angel like qualities...?...Of course this depends on if the correct choices where made... But I feel that being a coach is a true calling from God...especially for young people...

Can the brine from desalination be used to form another salt flat in death valley...?...

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