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Thinking Out Loud 41

I wonder if all animals get an evolution update in heaven (next civilization) meaning larger or more intricate brains...?...perhaps new species...?...

We don't necessarily need a new language, just automatic translation in real time to your preferred language in phones, earphones, tv, computer dacs, radio (does anyone still listen...?... )...

A school class on strategy games played on vr headsets multi student capable participation, tournaments, clubs / teams, international competition...

I always thought Universities where suppose to be what I'm hearing a professor wish Universities to be...?...

Enjoy your hair while you have it because I wouldn't be so sure you'll have any in the next life, if you make it out of hell / Earth..

Those choosing to stay on'll want to make earth as pleasurable as possible because by the time you would have another chance to move on,...well, you don't know if it will still be around by then...

I mentioned this before how I feel you need to move forward not go backwards whether it's a business or anything in life...Look at the leaders from around the world they are all set on revenge for things that happened in the past...if they where business owners they would be going bankrupt which there countries are anyways or on the verge...

when does someone take notice and tell these fools to get over there differences and move on...China has part of it right but they are also focused on the past still trying to make communism work instead of doing what the people want...Democracy unmodified is not the answer either, We are no better still focused on the Cold war along with Russia and reviving the arms race...Take care of your own people for a change...

When I was a kid and wanted to buy mom would always told me... not to waste my money by throwing it away into the air...The same can be said to this country except they are blowing it away...

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Thinking Out Loud in Words 190

190 Just to clue everyone in...U do not make a better World by destruction...This includes others and self...With many translations......

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