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Thinking Out Loud 45


One thinks that earth is getting more evil because of overpopulation which to me is only kinda true...I believe everything happens for a reason...To me that reason is evil is getting reincarnated on earth with the addition of bad parenting among many others...

If someone is evil, easily addicted,suicidal, etc... the first time around chances are they will tend to have the same characteristics the second time around, unless changes are brought upon...

Climate change translated among other things could mean the end of civilization has begun unless we figure it out...

Ants can follow there instincts and figure things out...yet many of us adults cannot do the same...makes one sigh in disbelief...

We have all been tricked or fooled by ourselves and capitalism...but i can't support anything else because socialism was misinterpreted by communism and now leaves everyone scared by simply mentioning the word...But if everyone would simply open there minds and think rationally, while examining the picture I see, I think you would agree...

Baldness could be a peak into the next civilization, complete baldness could be a closer look...

People need to decide whether they want to continue turning earth into hell or make earth a little better place...Those planning return trips need to decide the same...but the decision is yours, you have the right to choose...

First off we have proven we cannot police our own country, as it is progressively getting worse...We are trying to police the world while proving to get the same results as it is getting worse...That not being good enough we are now moving into space so we can make exploration even more dangerous then it already is with the same results to follow...When will we learn to not make the same mistakes over and over and over again...?...This is proof some of us have not fully evolved yet...Not to insult the ape world, as they follow there instincts...

Do those that make it into the heavens really pose a risk...?...Does one pushing for advancement also be willing to go back in time...?...

Many praise Genghis Khan for killing over 100 million people in his lifetime...Do those same people praise the fact that the civilization from those times never survived...?...

One can argue that the civilizations of the past never survived because... they didn't know any better..., they where still in the process of evolution..., there was not enough or any history for them to study from past mistakes...But we now know better...,we toppled evolution..., we have everyone's history to study past mistakes...Yet we continue doing everything the same way, despite having all the facts of the past......Yet we are trying to advance machine A.I. when we cannot even advance ourselves.........Pure stand Up...

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