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Thinking Out Loud 47


Could have one of the reasons oil, gold and silver among others have been placed on earth was to test our intelligence to see what we do with it...?...and how we where capable of handling it.........We clearly failed that test...

The question arises "well why would God want to test our intelligence...?'...Remember that I believe God is ultimately creating his ultimate civilization at which point it will be immortal (opinion)...Having this belief explains many of my beliefs to me...


For those that have plans to tax the crap out of cannabis...remember the goal is to eliminate drug dealers, not to encourage the trade...


What drives me nuts about the world is how hypocritical many seem to be...(thats as detailed as I'll get)...The topic is homophobia...Many seem to believe that God for some reason dislikes folks attracted to the same sex...yet it is all caused by nature even the mind...These same folks seem to believe that god is fine with divorce and leaving your partner to struggle as a single parent...(there are exceptions, so calm down) I'm not blaming anyone... but... how could many say they believe in God... but... at the same time show hate against others...that's hypocritical to me...

Some will say "well if the mind is created by nature then why does evil exist"...? I don't know the answer, all I can say is we have the ability to choose.


Imagine if El Chapo didn't misinterpret his successful Mexico could be today...

If many did not misinterpret there successful and how far advanced the world would be today...

Perhaps if Jesus wasn't crucified, people would have figured out thoughts...Perhaps this is only a fantasy...But perhaps some will finally figure out how far back there narrow mindedness has held them in place...Again this might only be a fantasy, as well...


I've touched on this before but for those of you who are waiting and hoping that God will save you...He has been trying for years upon years with no help whatsoever... Everybody expects him or her to save the day but you are unwilling to put forth effort on your part...

Ask yourselves what have you done for him besides attend church and try to deceive him, perhaps forgetting that he/she reads your mind...Being a good person and helping, caring for, accepting and loving others takes a lot of effort and understanding...I understand mistakes...I have definitely made my share, but I try not to repeat them...Although not always successful (nitpicking)...

Sometimes progress matters most (do not take out of context)...


Makes one wonder: What do actual religious leaders actually pray too, for, if at all...


Custom cars mainly muscle cars, and Japanese cars are truly...hand built...hand painted...custom interiors...custom of a kind...require the focus of one to a few, to teams of individuals or fellow car shops...

Supercars are on a production line...have multiple to mass produced vehicles...are partially automated...have a handful of colors available, receive the same parts with minimal customization...yet they cost 3-4 times as much sometimes...Hardly ever can u buy a one off...and if you do find one...the price is closer to 4 x's as much...

makes you wonder why, who, what the f#$k... initially...perhaps it's reliability (just add glue and air powered torque wrenches)...perhaps it's testing,marketing, brand it starts to make more sense...but I thought the wealthy wanted to differentiate themselves from the Joneses down the street...Still makes me wonder...perhaps an opportunity...but customizing is looked down upon if not done at the factory...and resale value lowers if not stock...


For those mining and pumping all of earths resources...did u ever consider why they were in there in the first place...Did you ever consider what could happen when there are no more...Did you even consider anything...?...


Religion and Spirituality...are essentially the same thing...Religion is a translation...while...Spirituality is a definition...

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