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Thinking Out Loud 52


Perhaps hemp can be used to make cardboard and other packaging materials...?...


Is there a density difference between plastic categories...?...If so could a sensor be built to seperate the mixed plastics...?...


I wonder if the condom...if it would have an adhesive... that didn't leave residue... if it would be more sensitive for would be more skin like...and in multiple lengths......(just remember pop-on...(it should give an idea,'ll get it when you see it)


...Be your own A.I......Do not make the same mistake twice...


I wonder if...?...if a person goes back in time...does only there body go back but there mind is unhindered still going forward...also...if you go forward in time...does your mind still stay back but your body ages...? Probably.....What if your head becomes physically smaller...?...

i think your mind could be unhindered until it would get physically smaller...?...If you went back in time...


Could have placements of ancient monuments be more based on instinct rather then precise measurement... based on the visions they saw when staring at the night sky... while on psychedelics...?...

The oblong, oval shaped skulls I saw on t.v. this morning are exactly in tune with my vision of intelligent life in space...

Might have earth been visited (by other life) during the transitions between civilizations...?...This would explain some of earths wonder's...

Might have someone cleaned up the mess (per say), left over after civilizations...?...


the 1% or .001% successful...through meditation...Who is giving you the answer...?...

those who channel E.T.s...through meditation...who is actually communicating with you...?...

There are many forms of meditation for various reasons... I say over and's all in the translation...


I measure intelligence not by how eloquently you how creatively you think...


for thought...

with 9 stars bigger then the sun, and earth capable of 4 dimensions..?...4d or 4 axis...could heaven be reached 9 times... in different galaxies...?...with the final stop at 13 dimensions where one could have immortality...?...

If one would become what age would it happen...?...Since god could be weeding heaven out 8 x's prior...he or she is filtering out any evil possible so that the individual is as pure as can be...could the final resting spot be at a child's age...?...How would everyone be raised if all child like...?...

Could the final resting be as one would pass away(per say) at the 8th star...while reaching the might reverse from older and grow young...and stop at the point your head does not get physically smaller to not hinder all the knowledge one would have gained...through out lifetimes...??


1d, 2d, 3d, 4d may = the process of evolution..?....with many humans stuck in a 3d world and some reversing back to seeing the world in 2d... as they are unable to see beyond the physical...

`have we halted, stopped...or..., reversed evolution...?...could this be the part of the reason for climate change, coronavirus, who knows what is next beyond speculation...

What do you all think will happen...?...unless we change and continue...

we need to progres our mental capabilities if we want to continue having our civilization survive,,,if we do not on our own, god can't force us to listen...but he can end survival... and start from fresh or continue with the 5th...

you decide what kind of world you want to live in...or...if you want to live in a world...?

I think we all need to be at a 4 dimensional level mentally with the earth being 1d, the oceans being 2d, and the air being 3d to complete the ecosystem of life in the universe...

Currently we have disrupted through pollution 1, 2, 3, and lack of educating ourselves 4... we have disrupted the entire ecosystem... yet... somehow some of us believe that we can buy or bomb our way survival...the ignorance is unbelievable...


Something that amazes me and makes wonder about today's problems is all our leaders running the country and it's future (the key word is future) are or have been of an older nature(are exceptions) and or can children or young families have any hope for a future...Do not misunderstand me... one can be of older nature but think in a young beneficial way...

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