Silent..., ...quiet quitting is very likely misunderstood by some...
Cocaine is NOT a gift from GOD...perhaps from Evil which overtalks God... unless U block it out...
possibly a slightly different strain the second and each time after that...this would B why the vaccines don't always work...?...perhaps...saying this brings a question to mind...once Ur body fights off... can U only get a slightly different variant... a second or more times...?...with viruses...? perhaps, ...but... this makes me wonder...
We R messed up...literally in our heads...Perhaps a bioweapon against ourselves...
Exercise of any type releases tension...tension puts strain on Ur body...strain may assist in aging...?...perhaps...
Strain might B different between internal...and...external...?
Internal would B the organs while external would B the muscles...
This could make sense as organs work harder when strained while muscles get stronger when strained...
Not all people can B generalized as one...U have both versions in both areas...but...Most European intellectuals pay closer attention to the image..while the image is also expected of them....more so... than many intellectuals in the US...perhaps...but again...Not All...
The brain being a muscle gets stronger the harder it works...which would B a reason for getting tired when thinking hard...
But when U R listening... U R trying to make sense of... what U R Ur brain is working out... by trying to figure it out...
How can claiming that the brain is not a muscle it builds strength by exercising...or...straining...?...
Crush the pill ...and... mix it with a liquid...perhaps add monk fruit sugar for sweetness...
Trauma automatically repairs as U further develop Ur Brain...perhaps...The aftereffects of the trauma causes might B getting repaired as adding new knowledge could B patching up the holes...
As U add new knowledge...U start to think differently as the Brain matures like a fine the same time gaining knowledge U'll need to fertilize so that it grows to its potential...
U smart folks haven't even touched the potential U have...yet...
..Why aren't plane controls and gages color coded ...for around the gauge, etc......
a yawn can B a does not necessarily mean boredom as we believe......technically it's "God" ...or...Ur brainstem... communicating for U or someone else to take notice of where U R, what U R doing, listening, take some kind of notice that will make sense to U...
Everything Ur eyes see and ears hear is heard technically by "God"...or...the brainstem through the subconscious...also....through the subconscious, the God cell communicates with...or takes notice of the nature around you...
this is how instinct works...
it can B any kind of bodily sound or jerky movement, a hiccup, a twitch...even your voice-when U R not to say something, almost forgot about the sneeze...or sniffle...and even your dog's actions...sometimes even when U pee, can have meaning...
U yawning by seeing another may B a conformation...This is all for U to figure out why, or what... U happen to B thinking about or to take notice...of...
The key to having a democracy is to have the people's minds developed...this will improve the decisions made by the people regarding who to choose as their future leaders...A communist or authoritarian country will not be successful as a democracy...until Brain Development happens...Young people's minds R in progress...this is the reason they voice change...while the majority of elders have halted their further development...the brain does not stop developing at a certain only stops growing in as long as U feed it new knowledge it will keep progressing...but... the addition of Fertilizer will help for it to reach its potential...
The lack of Brain Development by the people is why no successful democracy exists to date...poverty is a reason... due to the lack of Brain Development by the powers...People R guilty of falsely believing they R in a democracy and allowing the powers to dictate to them rather than them dictating the powers...The lack of Brain Development is the reason for all senseless wars to date...Lack of Brain Development is the reason for all authoritarian control...Lack of Brain Development is responsible for all of the racism on this planet...all the bullying...all the confusion...much of the crime if not most or even all...the list can go on and on...The Lack of Brain Development is responsible for most if not all wrongdoing...All over this World...