Offer socialism to those that qualify...
Perhaps split the country into two...give folks who qualify a choice...
Crime would need to be eliminated in the Socialistic half...and kept out...
Illegal drug war would need to be eliminated in the socialistic half...and drug war kept out...
Full surveillance would need to be applied and agreed upon on socialistic half...The only way to fully rid crime...
might those wanting... finally get a wall...? don't want the evil capitalists , I suppose some are good aren't necessarily evil it's the cronyism...
possible freeway construction with hyper loop type tunnels
with cement, steel roads or a combination
...perhaps...steel roads would be more durable...
But still would need ideas...for emergencies... for every vehicle to expressway concept... perhaps combine for lane changes... maybe protecting from outside elements...which could help with wear and tear...
The loops could have skylights on top...would eliminate the need for lighting during the panels on top to power the illumination inside...or both for day and night...possibilities are endless...
can construct off-site...then quickly assemble on-site...or replace sections... when for thought...
Is God really a Goddess...Is a Queen suppose to be above a King (technically)...essentially it should be...
equal... but by is...
It was Man that gave rank ...and...It was Man that gave authority...
A Goddess would translate to life...but is it God giving advice...
A King needs to impress a Queen...but...a Queen may give birth to the future King or Queen...
In history many Kings would give up on the ...Queen... if she could not produce a future King...
Technically did we do history in reverse...?
In nature... Lions protect the Lioness' not stick to the end of life...
Technically did we do life in reverse...?...expecting monogamy of life...
Many will argue that you cannot compare lions to life...but...that is only because we let capitalism rule our life...
Has Man been mistranslating for the time of life...
Still no taxes...???...But they think they are going to beat Chump...???...You can't make this stuff
Well they beat I was wrong...maybe... but still no taxes and he's running again...which is a good thing...because we get to call him ...sleepy...chump...or is it
Will they get his taxes...this time...?...I think it's a ridiculous waste of time, anyways...It's obviously not mandatory...and...common sense will give you the answer...whether he shows or not...but still worth a the circus it was...and...still might be...
These are some quotes that came to mind a few years ago...Totally forgot about them until recently...
smile at pain...It's only a reminder U R still ticking...Be Proud and Strong...
Be patient...results don't happen overnight...Discipline will be required...
Motivation will get U there...but...Discipline will keep U there...
I love exhaustion...It lets me know I'm still alive...
Climb Mountains...The view is much better...
Remember...No excuses...
this is a "What If" statement...It involves an open mind as it involves the Soul like a memory stick...that gets plugged into the next body...remember an Open Mind...let's say you make it to the next level (heaven)...The Soul gets plugged in to the new the Soul will only probably have your physical memories as made by the brain previously...with the anticipation of an upgraded processor (larger brain) might be able to figure out his or her past life... ?/and you continue to improve yourself rather then starting all over...which would be like committing suicide...
When I say continue...I don't mean automatically where you left off...but...adding onto what you may already know... learning what you previously learned much quicker then the time and took you previously...
I've mentioned this before... about putting a turbine on a cruise ship...Well...perhaps...U can have one in water and another on the same pole...above the front of the hull...just perhaps... an idea to ponder..
Or would it disrupt the balance and control of the ship...?
Justice do they differ from a regular democrat...are they real......I always thought a democrat was about least on paper............Peoples party ...finally
...but in the end what, who... are they official...or are they just liberals pretending as usual...