earn the right...to become an elite members...in order to join group or post comments, thoughts, ideas, lectures, discussions...Everyone else can read or listen only...in this section...
earned by successes ...or... achievements...or... invite...
not 4 profit...
make it so people could actually talk but becomes typed text in real time...similar to closed captioning....so as to have actual discussions...perhaps...but can type as well...if choose...
if two or more people happen to talk at once...software will not display next comment... until first started is complete...in numerical order...
limit room size for actual discussion participants ...at one time...
perhaps create avatars that mimic talking and movement... based on emotions spoken...
those listening could read the words... or listen...if choose...
Have separate section 4 all to participate...type only...
...trolling comment...5-10 marks on comment or ?... will require a "why" comment...to accompany......perhaps on each mark...then comment will be forwarded to moderator...were moderator will store comment in file...when a total of 3 comments in folder...commentator will be banned...based on 3 strike rule...
be voted into elite section...candidates chosen from top commentators...every, perhaps, 6 months...
agree...neutral...disagree / why...agree and neutral will move on to next comment...disagree, must fill out comment "why" before moving on...perhaps...
3 strike rule-....3months...6months...1year...allowed to return after 1 year ban complete...start new cycle after1 out...permanent ban after 3 outs...
possible verification when typing...of who U R...