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Thinking Out Loud 100

Writer's picture: GWGW

One way to struggle without struggle is to be a good person to others...that does not mean to start throwing bones all give opportunities...but, so folks have viable means to earn the rewards...nothing given is appreciated...that's were people tend to confuse socialism...things are not really supposed to be given, except the basics...but...a better life is earned...through success


What are you with a fist bump...?...The handshake needs to be updated...not to sound rude...but...was the elbow bump...perhaps...confused...and...supposed to be...a fist bump...

(get with the times) lol...


With a new President every 4 years, currently...should the new President have the power or right to overturn the Previous decisions...?...perhaps...if a vote... allows him/her to....


Perhaps...unemployment shouldn't be for nothing ...but... to do some sort of service...


Thinking out loud: wearing a go pro type camera on your head can cause a dizzying recorded image...what if you had a shutter that would open/ close...when your head moved or turned so many a certain speed...wouldn't it mimic blinking...just a thought

Another thought

A headband with two cameras...1 on each side (I don't know how small they can make cameras but still good video quality)...cameras are too mimic the eyes...with the part of the image closest to the nose...on each combine into 1...leaving the peripheral vision from each camera to be included in image...with a result of seeing a wider perspective as through the eyes...instead of 1 single wide angle lens...perhaps...


one can perhaps do this with a go pro...mount 2 lenses instead of one ...and combine the inside of picture from both sides...if size permits...perhaps...


The earlier a man is on the evolution scale... the more he yearns for war, the more violent he is, the more close minded...the more bad decisions he makes as he does not think things through...As he slides up the scale...he starts to become intelligent ...and...all those qualities diminish...he opens his mind for different views...that's the point we are all suppose to be at, well... that was the plan...


With services like Grammarly for example...should schools still focus on grammar at a higher level like high school or should the focus be adjusted...?


that is also like saying...should Math be of focus with Calculators available...

Should the European model (don't know if still relevant) be adapted:

of choosing to go to high school if higher education is in mind...or...choosing to go to a trade school...

Is trade school still a relevant idea for many with the job losses and increasing need for technical knowledge...perhaps...a 2 year high school requirement before trade school...

With increases in population and the loss of available jobs for employment...some decisions need to be made...not all will be able to thrive on you-tube or from home...All still need the ability to earn in order for the economy to function...that's where Communism fails...people need to earn not only to pay bills but to spend within the economy... so it can go round...


I don't see why everybody is both surprised and shocked when taxes are raised...What do you all think is suppose to happen when prices raise...profits increase...(corruption never stops)...


With crypto being digital...what happens when there is a longer power outage...? an attack against the grid...


Is there a limit to how many vaccines your body can take be fore it starts to get immune to vaccines...? with anti-biotics...and anything else that takes a toll on your body...


To those screaming act of's not your kids life on the the F___k up...It's the US's fault for allowing it to happen...they did not safeguard or perhaps it was let done... on purpose...

you never know for sure... but ...I think its an embarrassment in front of the World to allow all and their grandmothers to hack us...

what the heck are we spending thousands and millions on ...if it is no good...we have money to flaunt for bullshit weapons that apparently do not work...but...human basics... that all's a constant broke or were out...

REMEMBER no one asked to be born...It's all at fault for improper education, beliefs and failing to properly educate because of beliefs as well as poor choices...


Can't they have air exhausts inside a they have the nozzle that blows air on you... per seat...what if that nozzle was replaced with a powerful exhaust fan...?...perhaps..., maybe an idea for future planes

That probably wouldn't work with air blowing on you...unless now the air would blow on you from from the seat in front of you...or...the arm rest...perhaps...




male / female__

female / male__

Is everyone happy...?



I honestly leaning towards believing that God never intended for us to get married...instead I believe his intention was for us to create bonds with our partners...Marriage is an insurance policy especially if kids are involved...

what if parents were to get married to the child upon birth...all terms for care of the child are settled ahead of everyone knows where they stand...value to stay at home parent becomes difficult only because we live in capitalistic world...that's why it would be settled ahead of time...In a way we caused our own problems...

It's like a pre nuptial for kids...No nasty divorces...Because terms are agreed upon earlier... it's much easier for the courts and law enforcement to enforce, settle...

I think this is the route we were suppose to take rather than marriage...hence why so many divorces...But we keep doing the same thing over and over...hoping this time it will work

Now those Happily Married...I am not condemning it...U found a way for it to work...Good For U...But the rest should perhaps keep an open mind...especially when seeing the failure rate...If U feel otherwise, then go ahead get married...I'm only stating an opinion...mine...


Is the Government playing with Monopoly Money...?...Are things seriously getting more expensive because the Dollar is losing value...?...Are we just better off crashing like the Roman Empire... so they can finally figure out .....But...see, I'm not sure even then they would understand because it's not them that get affected in a crash...they got the cash to get through...It's the small average guy who.....................Maybe I'm looking at all this wrong...Maybe chaos is a good thing...


Thinking Out Loud

Can Polls be answered by TV remote...?

I think most people do not answer polls because of the telemarketing...keep questions limited per poll as not to inconvenience...

todays TV's = smart TV's

ID# upon registration

ID# sent with poll answer

before answer entered in poll- AI would check ID# and not allow another entry from ID#...No ID# No participation in poll...

The same could be done from Computer...


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