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Thinking Out Loud 107

Writer's picture: GWGW

Technically Electric cars, buses, bikes, anything with wheels should be self charging... as it’s used, driven, rode...The same can be said for any plane or helicopter/ drone being flown or idled with a propeller...Using turbine technology...Ohh, I forgot boats...

there would be no need to refuel or wasted, leaving more in your pocket...cheaper airfare...cheaper cruises...basically no reliance on fossil money spent on cleaning up the pollution...cleaner cities as less exhaust fumes...

the greener world we are now debating over costing too much to implement...A problem Capitalists created themselves ...but ...arguing about expenses...No this would give us a tremendous advantage militarily and as possible pioneers of the World...No senseless wars over oil...lives would be saved in the end...

perhaps It wasn’t suppose to be the industrial revolution by way. Of discovering oil...but...rather by innovating Electric...Just think how much farther ahead we would be as a world...Might we even be in agreement rather than at now we are at war... amongst ourselves over. The cost...of going Green...

I often here people died in the past for unknown they had more diseases in the our Life spans are so much greater today then yesterday...


In the past they mostly died of sanitary issues and problems arising from...Many died of being over worked and the problems arising from...Many died of mistakes both by self and through others...Although we do have longer life spans...but...not quality of life...


today we are still discovering new illness while being unable to cure old...We are arguing over the costs while eliminating none...

We want and crave the newest and greatest ...but... cry over costs...We lose but need work ...while we spend more for less...all while we expect cheaper but owe more...

Prices rise to satisfy Profits...raising taxes... for Economic reason is all...Prices will rise ...causes of inflation... so should balance the checks...

Infrastructure crumbles onto streets... as fetta crumbles onto greens...students are packed into schools like packed are sardines...poverty is growing ...amongst the will go away...might be falsely believed...

An empire crumbled, the Romans did...while History repeats by translation...being as ,,,the American Empire is being crumbled...


Why do we raise...instead of inflation an make difficult, the economy...for some prosper while others suffer...


Cruise ships can have at least 2 turbines if not more...1 by way of motor/ propeller to assist and charge...and another at the front or sides of the ship... running through the water...generating spin... simply this might have close to a full battery at all times...perhaps...just a thought that ran through my mind...not pretending to be an engineer...


what if...U internet...Ur vote enters a que (registration code needed to enter)...your vote does not get officially entered... until a printer marks vote on paper (activated by registration code) same time vote is entered...? (verifying a vote entered-sent by email or text)...


I mentioned before about earphones acting as real time translators...that might be a lot of tech packed into earphones ...perhaps...what if (this might be obvious) but anyways...what if the cell phone is the translator and the ear phones are the receiver by way of Bluetooth...pretty obvious solution but a solution none the less...


Perhaps televisions should be more like large monitors...where One could split the screens...perhaps do computing on one half while the other half your viewing tv or multiple screens...perhaps have each channel a possible source...perhaps up to 12 screens on one screen...perhaps mix and match the sizes and placements...with volume control for each channel when activated...perhaps


when I used cannabis regularly ...both internally and acted as if I got mild face lifts on me ...and... when I used it before every session in a oxygen would give me a natural tan...although my sessions were in the early mornings in the cold months of winter...that was my experience...I'm not saying you will have the same...each his or her own...but...try experimenting...and share the knowledge...

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