Besides the come Clubs can break one can there a generational gap...among others...?...perhaps...or...does experience over ride fresh...? some situations ...maybe...but perhaps only... if successful in the past....anyways, it's always innovation on top... with open minds...perhaps...
Were there these variants with past vaccines...?...Because variants sound familiar to... like the yearly Flu variants...?
with fingerprint technology, perhaps combined with facial recognition...It would be very difficult to commit to impossible for mass fraud... as U might only be able to replicate a few accounts...perhaps...if Ur lucky...maybe...
If the internet would require a mouse with fingerprint technology on it... perhaps, you might help solve the identity theft issue...
out of curiosity...I wonder how... Yesterdays cold pizza... would do for Breakfast...maybe it was just my thing...but still curious...?...
Some advice for future entrepreneurs....
U only get to go big one it count...
Take Ur time...don't rush...It's better to make a Good product then to Half Ass It...
If Ur ever lucky enough to read one of my not to tear me apart...I had suffered a brain stem stroke some 20 odd years my brain is still rehabbing or maturing and I can't process information as quickly as I would like...getting better though...which is why I'm making this statement...I'm trying not to go back and correct...always trying to move forward and make progress...Trying is the key word...So, just wanted to make note of that...the concepts are probably correct but I would probably add details or make corrections...Thanks...
If you don't want your personnel info used by like YouTube... just use it as a guest and a VPN...perhaps...I think that would work...maybe...
might we be communicating with the God Cell in our bodies when we R on moderation...And when we overwhelm the brain with Trichomes...might we actually be getting God to high ...? help...?...when we get drunk we could be getting God Drunk...and can't help...?...when we do hard Drugs or translation... to us doing harm to God...which could be the reason he CAN'T HELP U...that's why they say God can't help U if U don't help Ur self...................Now does it makes sense.............................?...
R women suppose to have kids later in life rather then early in life...?...R they suppose to have their careers first...?...might a young couple establish themselves first...?...and become wiser...?...I'm saying this because wouldn't the mind be stronger and wiser... the older you are... to a point ...and doesn't Ur child receive half Ur genetics...?...Does this mean that teen pregnancy is actually doing a disservice to the child...?...I don't know that's why I ask...?...
I know someone will say but it's harder to get pregnant at an older is on our planet but should it be or does our lifestyle have something to do with it, our diets, our pollutions and noise overall...
I'm not a gene doctor...but...would say that genes can be improved from potential by execution...making them upgrading your chip...Giving your Child even greater potential...that's how Brain Evolution works...perhaps...
Were our oceans here from the get go...or...was earth a blank canvas and water under surface... then through past climate changes it had built up...?...Would the salt be on the surface then it mixed with the water from past climate changes...? did fish get here...?...but U still don't believe perhaps ET's had something to do with it...through God by way of the mind...
what if we incentivized healthcare with staying fit...?...people would be overall more healthy...less unnecessary doctors visits...less hospital stays...this is no guarantee of heath but would generally keep One healthier...
I'm going to state it...I think God is a Goddess...neither a he or a she in reality...but...since most call God...unknowingly...Mother Nature...It would technically be a she as she gives birth, which is life...
Technically can we buy land that no one is selling....?...Can land be bought or leased...?...How can we say that certain land belongs to a certain race, when we ourselves do not know how we got here...?...
should companies shipping by land be partially responsible for road infrastructure...?...Should companies shipping by air be partially responsible for air cleanup...Should companies shipping by water be partially responsible to clean the oceans...?...Should airlines be partially responsible for sky cleanup...?...Should gas companies be partially responsible for ocean cleanup because of oil tanker use...?...Should oil companies be partially responsible for infrastructure for the delivery of gas...?... Should those driving on combustion engines be partially responsible for infrastructure, air pollution...?...should those driving cars be partially responsible for infrastructure...?...Should travelers be partially responsible air cleanup for using planes...?...Should citizens using parks, streets, public buildings, beaches be partially responsible for the cleanup...?...Should all be responsible for landfill use and abuse...?...should those ordering and buying be partially responsible for infrastructure, water, air cleanup... ?...Should those that use the roads for whatever reason be partially responsible for infrastructure...?...and On and On...Everyone is guilty of use...How do you settle...?...
U can say all the big can argue they only ship and use the roads because citizens R buying and ordering...but...they R only big because the citizen spends their money with them...and make the economy go round and round...but...U use the roads to get to work to only earns because they must spend...
and TAXES are already taken out of earnings (in certain states)...but...we get TAXED again when we purchase (that's shady as hell)...technically one should be eliminated and U can probably sue the government...or state...I don't know if one would win in the can one be taxed for earning the money then get taxed again for using that money...I guess depending on what price category one is taxed again...
a luxury item is not a necessity...neither is a car but many use the car to get to work and little public transportation to eliminate the need...little public transportation is on the state being at fault...public transportation should be within walking distance not driving distance...another fault...all locomotives should be electric to help eliminate noise levels...perhaps...
my rant for the day...these drop shipping print T-shirt companies Market T-shirts but sell U undershirts'...perhaps...
I find it humorous to be as homophobic as we are as a world...we allow topless men to stare at...but...we cover women...anyone else find this funny or is it just
Repeat after me...Marijuana is a herb...Marijuana is a herb...Marijuana is a herb...they can't even classify it correctly...
oh by the way...the people that keep breaking into our computers that we cannot stop...enjoy a little Marijuana...should make U wonder...I bet no government official ever put the two together...and they R to keep U safe...???
Everything living has the God Cell in it...that's what gives life...
We ALL have the God Cell within...
which was formed when we became living...that's what gave us life... in our mothers womb...
Cannabis could be communicating with the God Cell in your body...
Psychedelics' could be entering the mind of the God Cell... translation...
Because we live in a Capitalist World we are losing our jobs to is just more reliable, speedier and cheaper...Because of this the future opens doors for small business...just one problem...we lost all our hand made goods to speedier technology and lower prices to allow for bigger profits...In order to make small business flourish...we need to reverse and go back to hand produced goods...I mean how many restaurants can U open...
The scenario opens another question...?...PRICING...everyone will gravitate to the lower prices...which will make Big business long as people have money to spend...but...closes the doors to small business...let's face it...the factory jobs of yesterday will very likely stay lost...for lower prices...?...we are told...but for some reason it's becoming more expensive to live...
Everybody say's it will open the door for new opportunities...but...we have almost 8 billion people in our world and growing...manual jobs are being lost...which means more kids of the future will need to educate for longer...which is ideal for the employer in the future as there will be more fish in the also means less opportunities for the hire.........because there are more fish in the sea...
In the times before...the thinking was...well the population will have to retrain, learn new skills...Today and the future the thinking will be...well let's build a new machine to do the new job...So new opportunities...maybe...but perhaps, Not as you Thought...
We took a wrong turn going BIG...perhaps...
Those with riches are probably giggling as their futures are secure...but are U sure...?...I mean U could be playing with monopoly money...?...(Madoff type scam...?), perhaps, maybe, thought to ponder...But in the end it is just chump those......but...Our futures should be the it affects theirs...and theirs affects Ours...leaving Us to decide the future for All...
Technically thinking would one need valet parking with a self driving car...?...Technically thinking would one need a banker with a scaled up ATM controlled with a speaking AI and full control of entire banking system...?...Technically thinking it will eventually affect Us all...
I'm going to be straight with U all...just saying, but...the biggest problem with Capitalism is money...
These Are only thoughts...not statements of one can know for sure... until it happens...But the question arises...Is it to late, by then...perhaps, that's why we have History...
In the past I suggested a national uniform color of khaki and white...well I would just add greys to that pallet... from black to white...
One of the main reasons for some ridiculously long jail sentences is so people will cooperate...So that they can make it look like they are making you a deal...perhaps
If above statement is true...does that make it legit or corrupt...Remember jail or prison is suppose to be used for change mindset and turn people around... the Practice hasn't Hasn't put a dent in Drug War...It Hasn't lowered Crime fact Crime keeps going up And getting worse...You think it's time for a change...?...If you don't show improvements at your work...Ur work will make changes to U or the job itself...they don't just keep doing the same...
Does every galaxy have a Saturn for communication...?...perhaps...
The Law of Attraction should be renamed to the Law of Execution...Law of Attraction will only work...if towards...The law of Attraction is meant for you to Focus... to give reason to, give you a Goal..................................
It is NOT meant to simply dream or think of...that's were people will make the mistake...
Even when you play the lottery...You have to buy the ticket...
Is it the Governments fault for life if they start a war offensively...Offense is starting a war...Defense is defending...When do words become reason for war...?...Do they, Could they, Should they...?...
"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me"...
Is there ever a reason to take the first shot...?...Street fights differ from a combat war or do they...?...In both situations U R defending Ur life, taking the first shot can define a win or a loss...Except the difference may be of U making a choice to fight and not walk away...
Is signing up for the military... give permission to do as they wish with Ur life or are you signing up to defend...Does defense become some situations...perhaps...but...what constitutes offensive attack...
only if they attack or have attacked prior...but...that would be what is meant by defend...
but...another but...
When it might be words giving reason...Words giving orders...Words in exchange for Life...Words giving explanation...Words giving Sorrows...Does then defense give reason for offense...?
for monetary values, even...?
I don't think women were suppose to take on the mans last name and I don't think the child was suppose to take on the fathers name but the mothers maiden name...The mother has to carry for 9 months...usually develops a bond...
I mean technically woman had to take on the mans last name to show power over...let's face it...women were often mistreated back then... And the man would take on the role of the ruler and the woman took on a role of a baby machine...while the father was usually out...there are chill out...
The only reason they were forced to change names was because of marriage...just because it made sense then... as well as control and other factors of control...You have to imagine the time's back then and how men felt superior to women...
I don't care what you do in the end...I'm just stating my thoughts...You can do what U I'm just saying...