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Thinking Out Loud 113

Writer's picture: GWGW

A way to encourage more efficient vehicles is to make electric cars self rechargeable as U drive...if you really want to make them efficient...add a solar roof , hood to recharge even when parked at work, grocery store, home, or while an additional resource...Develop an affordable model that everyone can afford...non rechargeable but plug in...perhaps...a possible game changer...maybe...

with instant speed and torque available with electric motors...U don't need a high speed daily for work...U don't want to fall for the "horsepower" marketing talk when looking for an efficient daily honest with yourselves...perhaps...


Are or should soldiers and police be guilty of executing an order of torture or harm on it's own citizens...?...I don't only mean in a democracy but for a said country even with a dictatorship...?...Does harm translate to death or simply abrasion...?...


I think we might be moving to fast or far forward...I think perhaps we skipped a step to figure out how the muscles react, to grow a human or grow organs (meant by growing human)...before we were suppose to dabble in robots, cyborgs...we blame technology but we don't even know what technology we would need...but hey we have dancing I have said before we do things backwards in this world...But your egos will tell you know I am most likely wasting my time...



Once and for all...Is Covid just a stronger variant of the Flu...?...Perhaps modified in a lab...?...quit debating about the truth...obviously U will not receive any...The Wuhan lab is guilty by association...that's were the spread started...China by not coming out with the truth immediately...means they were trying to cover up...there taking and admitting fault...(nothing wrong with mistakes, when U admit them) even though they haven't said so...they made a will they admit...obviously not...

We should have been better prepared ...but... we had a President in office who could not see forward......Notice his use of the term Again...that's going in the past...He was part of the group that caused the term ...again...So wake up, and prepare forward...that's a reason why we don't advance as a world...


For those asking are we in a simulation...?...well, two prior civilizations crumbled...we are doing the same thing ...but... at a larger scale...2 out of 3 strikes,...we are hitting foul balls stay in the game...that strike will come sooner or later ...unless we focus on the hand eye coordination...perhaps or not...Your gamble...?


I don't want to pick on Apple too much because it can be my situation, my phone, my clumsiness...but...They should be embarrassed as a tech can have a 5g phone which will download a movie in 5 seconds, it will tell you what's in your fridge...meanwhile it still uses ARCHAIC passwords...(correction they are starting to adapt facial recognition, I was just late to the ball game perhaps)...but...I still want to copy what everyone else is we can make it look like we are upgrading...that goes the same said towards every other tech company...out there...


Deplorable was the incorrect word used to describe many humans...The correct word to have used is stoopid...that's not even a joke...!...but kind of U figure it out...then kudos to you...


when the company upgrades every year... it is pointless for them to make a quality product...let that sink in...the only thing that matters is spend as little as extract from You as much as possible...and use inflation as an excuse...for rising costs...this is essentially the definition of Capitalism...

We will never advance to our full potential making cheap is in fact slowing down our progress...but I'm not going to argue this all very likely already have your minds made up...

We took reverse engineering to a whole new reversing our order of process...Because we have to be the first...not the best but first ...and... then on to the next project ...before we fully understand this one... because once something is stated as fact... it stays that way ...without question...

We are trying to build a quantum computer to help see patterns...yet...we cannot see patterns based on I keep saying over and reverse order...all aboard...choo...choo......


I make stoopid comments sometimes...mainly because I see things differently on one device compared to another...or I only read the headline because to read the entire article is like reading a novel ... a mistake in my opinion by media...


The goal to life and survival is to become aa sustainable as possible...We as usual we went the opposite direction and rely on others...for profit...not for our benefit ...but...profit...

Whether you will admit it ...or...not...Capitalism fooled us all...


Could plastic straws be made out of plant stems or a combination of some sort...which could make them biodegradable...?...perhaps...


What I find missing from digital instruments as opposed to acoustical string instruments is the progression of a note to peak then a retrogression before the next note is's a very subtle sound but it makes the song flow, pull you in, gives power to a song...perhaps...

This got me thinking...about a company stock chart...and how one can translate the high for the day, month, ? the peak of a note and the connecting lines as the progression, regression...depending on if it went up or down...perhaps...

This got me thinking again...perhaps if one could translate the chart into a tune on guitar or could help one predict the direction the stock could go using your ear and instinct...this isn't and shouldn't be of any type of solution...but...rather an added add to your arsenal...


This technique could be used to even perhaps help predict a countries economy or anything else...which could be charted...perhaps...

someone might say but this depends how you translate the tune...yes...but... the whole stock market is about translation and relying on your instinct of which you have to this could be used in addition to your current method...perhaps...

This helps perhaps to prove that the Arts are important...even in the business world of numbers...


When I call humans stoopid...I talk about myself as don't get all upset...just laugh it off...It's not suppose to be degrading...but we all at times are STOOPID...let's face lol...


I kind of don't get it...why are we negotiating on Infrastructure ...which is to benefit the citizens...using our money...this would make paying taxes pointless...

This raises another question...should the citizen be liable for the rise in prices or profits...since it is the fed increasing prices...?...or some gov...?should the citizens of the world be responsible for inflation...?...possibly...perhaps...maybe...but...the hunter gatherers started in socialism...something for something...then someone probably thought of money and greed took control from then on...perhaps...

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