Alcohol is not necessarily's made to be dangerous... Not necessarily Dangerous...huh...That's if you have the will power to use in moderation...and... it's made to be stronger...why...???...well...why do they make Cannabis stronger...?????..
.one most likely answer is... $$$...or translated as...You...
Might the soul be translated as God...since God is within... by the God Cell...
could one do a 4th of July type display by laser lights...perhaps not day...
I'm going to upset many folks in these next couple of lines ...but.... they could possibly have evil way to get rid of crime is to get rid of the middle
Another way to help rid the World of Crime to have full surveillance... while it downloads to a cloud available only by warrant...written in the law books or constitution... so it cannot be tampered with...
Look the only way to get rid of has to be done by oneself...No one can magically come in and rid this World of evil...any politician making that claim is living a false narrative...Once you extract evil it is very difficult to tame...Take addiction for example...if you force is mostly always temporary...A person does not clean up unless they decide to themselves...and build up that will power and self control...That's how God can help you...from the inside...not by pointing a must be willing to listen...
I'd suggest a location...perhaps a state or city...where crime can be crime...for those unwilling to change...a place of there own...but I might like to have borders around the crime stays in...perhaps allow Chump to run things...He always knows what to do...better then others...give people the option to choose where they want to live life...If they want to waste life, well, they could do that...I don't know how one would supply labor...I mean they have a drug addiction to work for...Their are those who like the World as is...they would also live within thee designated area... trying to clean it up by doing what they have always done...the previous X' back to previous civilizations...
People would still be able to leave this area but one would need to present some sort of visa and get picture taken at be logged into surveillance system...
It could be an incentive to live in a crime free environment...
perhaps Cannabis would be legal as well as all liquor to be natural...
un-distilled...or low proof crime free zone...?...perhaps...Remember this is by choice to live in...not by force...
People decide the kind of World they live in...If you want a safe...kind...Productive World...All of You need to make that happen...No one person...No President...not even Chump can make America Great Again...It's up to all of you... to make America...Like Never Before...
Since the God Cell is in all living things...including humans...and controls through the mind...doesn't that debunk the belief by some...that God hates Gays...doesn't that mean that hate crimes is what he truly despises...Doesn't that mean that those showing hatred while shouting by name are using in vein...Like I have always said..."You will believe what You want to believe"...
Could the heating of the earth and atmosphere act like a an asteroid...traveling close enough to be the other words... the heat radiating off the hot pull the asteroid to a magnet...since Space is cold...