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Thinking Out Loud 59

Writer's picture: GWGW

Are steroids still cheating if every say professional athlete is allowed to use them...?...You have the choice to use or not to can't complain if it is your choice...what advantage would someone have if... all are allowed...?...It doesn't improve your hand eye coordination...It doesn't make you hit the ball better, only still need to develop the hand eye still have to develop the skills to throw the ball accurately...or catch the ball confidently...

Your drive still depends on your character...

the only could possibly give to practice harder, recover faster...One of the ? marks is you could hit harder...?...But is that really a mark...?...I guess it would depend on the sport and the damage that could be done...but...then again it's your agreed to it, knowing the risk...

I think the main reason steroids are frowned upon is because of the use among young people...taking shortcuts...not putting in the time and effort but reaping the benefits... and obviously the health risks...if not monitored by a medical professional...or ...monitored by a shady professional...

Perhaps focus should be put on the safety tied with find away to do away with the dangerous...


Perhaps this already exists, i'm just unaware...but...are there earphones... that are automatically ear plugs... which are waterproof... so one could swim... but... at the same time listen...probably in the military ...but... is something like this available commercially...?...I think it could help one get lost in the process of swimming...and... ultimately swim farther...lengthier times...?...

Pair with a waterproof Ipod...

Is asking for wireless too much...?...


Is the current economic situation... a preview of what it will be like once all jobs are taken automation...? more work...?...will a UBI of a $1000/month now suffice.. as prices will rise...?...perhaps it's still to early to ask this question ...but... keep it in the back of your mind and bring it up often...

$1000/month is better then nothing but will it suffice unless you lead a sustainable life at a lower cost of living...?...Then the answer would be ...probably, maybe...


If money just gets printed...when the country runs low...why even use money...?...


Why is math considered to have all the answers...?...

If not by God... then by who ...was AI hinted...?...Since it naturally exists...

Why is God...discounted with such certainty...?...How do humans believe they exist...?...How would life itself exist...How was the world designed...How was the reproductive system designed...How was the Eco system designed...How and who do we get our ideas from...on and on...Is it all just pure luck...? there a higher power...?...

A natural form of a computer already controls the world...that's how you get God...started upon first creation of the universe


I get so frustrated when I hear, "well if there is a God then why won't he help us"...The answer is...he has been trying since the first one is or was listening...everyone has been simply ignoring him...God himself cannot help you unless you help yourself...Everyone is led to believe that he/she is some scientist in a laboratory and all he needs to do is point his finger...truth is he/she can only hint through your know that instinctive feeling you get when you perhaps shouldn't eat that ice cream...but eat it anyways...and then you complain...

or that gut / instinctive feeling you get this or that is a bad idea...but you do it anyways...and then complain about the penalty

These are all ways God is trying to communicate the answer to's up to you to figure it out...

In your instinct lye all your answers...


Since we where experimenting with spacecraft in the 1940's and we are still with flying with fossil fuel... are we stuck in the past...or...are we going backwards...

In this case...what would be the reason be advancing so quickly...except to strip the consumer fill pockets...

again... means we already did that...then why did we stop...when false hope had promise...

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