Large scale farming should go indoors...less land would be needed...because you can either do vertical or multi floor...pesticide free......climate controlled...efficient watering...probably more I'm missing...
Can be setup the middle of a vacant high-rise buildings...or in the middle of the country... in warehouses... a key word
keep kids busy...include rather then shelter...make things fun-where it draws interest...teach an example...teach discipline...explain...communicate...teach empathy...teach to use common sense, when they are old enough...
Teach...and...instill not to make the same mistake twice...
demand...Progression...rather then expect...Perfection...
Russian Roulette, keep filling your can't take your money with your grave....when you obviously do not care about your grandkids...or...there's ridiculous to think of anyone beyond them...but continue pretending you know it all...and...not even consider anything beyond your shallow views...
You can forget about your plan thinking after you destroy this world and milk it for everything it has...and you and your kids will have your own new planet...then you haven't figured out how God work's yet...
But then do as you know better...?...
For me personally...the lower the cannabis percentage...the bettor it gets...(vaping the same bowl more vapor...or too weak...) the bettor it gets as it ages (per say)... but you have to warm it up... for at least around 15 min on high...on a volcano unit...and I take my equivalent of around 1-2 hits...
There is a place and time for high percentage in the evening...but for me... I prefer... to be... quick day...
Something that has been on my mind lately is...I wonder what people think of my minor errors in one of my last film's...those mistakes weren't on purpose in the first version...but...they were left in the 2nd version on would have to learn to deal with yes I am aware of those...and...have been...that's all...
heating herb(Cannabis flower) may cause a smell unappreciated by some...
a problem I have run into...using my volcano unit...aside from putting a large air cleaner next to the not all in my household...appreciate the smell...from heating up cannabis...
Perhaps the volcano can be redesigned...?...with filter on top of unit...that would have a pop up base, inside...(bowl) would press down into the filter unit by pop up...when pressed down...and...would lock in place...start heating...then it would pop back up when you turn off the blower...?...Perhaps...?...just an idea...