Might we be watching live events through VR headsets...might your reactions be transmitted over the internet to the live event in Real Time...transmitting energy (crowd noise) without a crowd...by way of loudspeakers through out stadium, perhaps...can also be used when crowds return in addition to regular crowd noise...or the ability to experience the event at a fraction of the cost...???...w/commentary or without...the later having only crowd noise of viewers for event...
Might the current situation be a sign of some sort...?...might we be experiencing more deliveries and carry out...might the future of restaurants be an at home experience...might more things be done from home...might more businesses operate from home...might we be spending more time with the family (choose wisely)...
Might the world be turning into a Science Fiction Reality...
Might a corner store in the neighborhood scan your body size and order perfect size clothing of the type...might you try on a holographic image and twirl...
Might you experience exotic lands and adventures, vacations, just time away, experiences... without leaving the comfort or privacy of your own home...but having full sensory ability
Might you have more time for hobbies...
And a host more...
Unfortunately none of this is possible without signs of intelligence...translation clean up...get out of poverty...expand the mind
Now I understand that can't be done without opportunity... especially for poverty which leads ...to...substance abuse...then closes the mind...And...others must be relied upon...but...it's your responsibility to take advantage of those opportunities...
It's not only poverty that leads to substance abuse... some of you are privileged and still abusing...no comment but pathetic...!!!...and....Big pharma and other drug dealers...your days are coming...
Imaginative thought...
Might have the last asteroid that hit Mars...have shook the planet so hard that the land covered itself...like a salt shaker...the little water it had tsunami-ed out and sunk into the land...and...remaining water was covered by land which turned to mud and eventually dried up...it's easier for me to envision this in my mind ...then... to try and explain it...
Like the reverse off what would happen to earth...if it got hit by an asteroid...as a tsunami would destroy us ...and... eventually cover everything...
If the earth got hit with an asteroid ...the crater could possibly be larger then it would be ...and...the crater could be bullet hole like...or a popped ball kind...because of the oil extracted from the earth...
Unless the asteroid would hit a part of the ocean...or certain areas of land...Possibly...
not that it would matter for us...because I highly doubt anyone would survive...unless you... perhaps...where in the air...but... just saying ...Out Loud... to wonder...
Here we go again...playing the blame game...instead of figuring out how to prevent...next time...
With the level of surveillance and capabilities once 5g is employed...we should be able to do away with jury duty...maybe even attorney's both prosecutors and defense...so be careful getting to happy...about what you will be gaining... without thinking...about what you will be subtracting...
Juries are like a religion...it's all in the translation...so in the end ...is a jury fair or unfair...I mean... if it's all in the translation... are you ever guilty by fact...?...