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Thinking Out Loud 67

Writer's picture: GWGW

If people have issues wearing the masks...then wear them so you won't have to wear them...

stay at home when told to stay at home...I find it a bit odd when there is a stay at home order yet so many 1000's of people still getting sick while supposedly locked up at home...?...Good nutrition move around a little and most would fight off the virus...but...instead don't eat, lay around, stay still, have a machine breath for you and end up'd THINK you would try the OPPOSITE...and maybe survive...but no keep doing the SAME...

I am not a take this paragraph with a grain of salt...

But then again do the people dying...realistically want to survive...?...


why do we not regulate vitamins and supplements among others...knowing the label lie's for years...allowing the consumer to continue getting robbed...KNOWING THIS...and DOING NOTHING......

This is wonder ET's haven't visited...they watch CNN and mistake it for SNL...

We know this and continue...but... BLAME the's there fault...............sarcastic...


might this be an opportunity to test out... figure out what works... and ...what doesn't...for home schooling...with virtual reality...are we anywhere close yet...?...

How bout try a concert in virtual reality with some quality headphones...Perhaps with the combination of virtual you would somehow transmit an avatar to take your place at comedy clubs, concerts...but you would or could see through the eyes of the avatar...?...As you turn your head... the avatar would turn it's head could go as far as being able to dance at the club or concert...walk around... without physically being there...the avatar would appear in hologram form...perhaps from the ceiling...would this solve crowds at clubs...?...this would solve social distancing...

Speak with others and interact without actually being there...everything as compared to actually physically being there would eventually be figured out...but with our capabilities this could be closer rather then farther away...

Although I'm pretty sure it would eliminate stage

might first dates become virtual...?...

Could possibly your avatar walk around , taking your physical space...outdoors...around the the evenings...or is that 6g...?...would equal safety...

might fashion be sold to dress virtual avatars when attending events in the virtual world...might we be being pushed into a virtual world while learning to focus more on family...


Should we start water desalinization at a large scale rather then only available for coastline states, or countries...should pipelines of water flow through our lands rather then oil...should freshwater be saved for our environments...would freshwater eventually dry up as if on Mars...?...perhaps we are to recover the lost lands to the ocean while allowing the freshwater to recover...?...Balance comes to mind immediately...Perhaps this is how we start to bring earth back to its original glory..???...

might the virtual world help with air pollution...

to fight climate change we cannot only focus on the obvious...

Those stating this specific climate change period is normal are the same ones that continue to do the same thing over and over and over but expect a different result each time...


I think everyone would agree that homelessness is a problem... and... they would need mental help...along with some kind of housing... but... to also be convenient to medical staff for care...could a possible solution be to convert certain prisons by changing out the bars for walls and doors...?...They could learn to live sustainably (farming, hospitalities) while receiving help...student and volunteer care...

could help justify high speed some kind of mass transit

Neighborhoods, mainly cities could then beautify themselves...home values go up...cities become tasty...

converting the prisons would provide work...


non violent offenders should be controlled under house arrest...would free up an enormous amount of money...which could be used for other services...

The level of surveillance we are using and capable of wouldn't allow for any shady practices at home...besides we can't even keep cameras functioning in actual prisons...supposedly...


Those spreading hate towards gays...what are you afraid of...what are you trying to accomplish...who are you trying to convince...Being a believer in God, are you going to disassociate your son or daughter if they become gay...?..."oh that's never going to happen"...never say does that make you a believer...?...if people back then where so smart to be able to translate so much from God...what's all your excuse's... generations upon generations of evolution...what even makes you believe such non sense...GOD GAVE YOU COMMON SENSE...FU@&IN USE IT...

Also how are you a believer, but disassociate your daughters if they get pregnant before marriage...? can be angry but still be support for her...are you actually mad or embarrassed, what your friends will think...maybe you should have spent time educating instead of dictating...


I was thinking this morning about classical rock ...and... how much more musical the songs my opinion...then I realized that the cannabis was at lower percentages...psychedelic's were more widely used back then...compared to today...


constantly making weed stronger...drugs harder...using tolerance as an excuse...perhaps you should think about taking a break...instead...

If all you guys want to do is get bombed out of your minds...then why even take precautions for your safety or care if America opens up...when you could didn't but now you are willing to protest for the right...some of you are happier with unemployment then the concept of employment...thanks largely`` to leadership of this country...who are destroying while knowing if not realizing...

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