schooling thoughts
Ideas (rough)...1-6... perhaps k for shorter days...
school year round with vacation throughout...
split classes into two groups and every other day...smaller class sizes...
? extend school day...add snack breaks at end of day...for example school 8-6..(maybe too long)...integrate play with learning during homework...and/or tutoring included...
(idea is to allow for smart playtime with all friends still together)
idea is to make school fun and want to to go to school...develop schools into hangouts...with playtime part of school...may be safer...
Only homework would be reading on off day...self pick titles ?...
revise curriculum...
UV germ lamps in entrances...block out light...
Temperature checks of every student in the mornings including staff
Look into possible vertical exhaust to vent out air...
Possible iPad's...would need to solve some issues for low income areas... as well as internet access for all but can be worked around (with no homework)......
Possible...?...School monitoring with cameras...classrooms...hallways...entrances...all rooms and gathering sites...even outdoors...for safety and explanation...
(recordings automatically uploaded to the cloud... viewing perhaps only accessed by licensed official with possible restrooms only accessed by male/female police officers)...No stalls... so calm down...
Improve nutrition...
self sustaining indoor garden idea for partial requirements...
increase vet presence in and around schools...for safety...
Arts and shop to be brought back
ideas (rough) 7-12
Possibly...?...virtual at home classrooms
virtual reality set per student...?...
student possibly experience classroom setting and in avatar form or hologram...
teacher experience as teacher in avatar form in classroom while in an office...
verbal communication between all students and teacher...experience will be as in a classroom but in the comfort of own home...
Test taking will be done with virtual glasses on...sensors to detect if correctly worn...a combination of sensors with heart rate to prove student is present... reading done through VR Set...
writing to be done by virtual pen which will work with VR Set...
all assignment uploads automatic to cloud upon completion or as you go and submitting when complete...
teachers can teach in classroom but students present in holographic form...
can split into two groups...for smaller class size...
Arts and shops with extended hours...
Students would need to return to physical school for hands on...sports...
I'm not here to push socialism but those of you comparing socialism to past examples are ridiculous...the truth is we have never had a true example of socialism...just because they called it socialism...doesn't mean that it was...
For socialism to work...everyone must be out of poverty and out of debt...that's how you get equality...Based on human ego I don't see this happening anytime soon...
I suggest we do partial socialism by working for benefits and a choice decision system......Rather then working strictly for cash alone... with a sustainable way of life...
Those spewing how socialism is bad are blindly fearmongering...What's worse is these are educated folks who want to show there smarts but R doing the opposite...Ultimately for socialism to work everyone needs to be at an equal intelligence level...Which we are clearly not matching...
With hope of going through evolution...which for some reason people think evolution is complete...far from it...evolution is never complete...radical changes only happen upon the next civilization until you figure it out and perform your own evolution...again that takes a level of intelligence to grasp...simply telling folks is not enough...they must come to the realization themselves...
Except...we are the dumb monkeys...of the universe...yet we believe that one day we will discover a planet full of dumb monkeys...we need to wake up before it's to late...that planet has already been discovered in Earth...
my belief is that we humans are to be always figuring out to accomplish...Perhaps that is why the earth and other planets go through changes...and will give us so many tries to figure things out before the universe gives up on us...we R not alone and other parts of the universe may depend on us to complete the cycle of life in the ecosystem...
This space race of who will be first... is kind of ridiculous...because for any success we will need to work together and combine resources and knowledge...that's the only way to speed up success...
And if I am being honest with the leaders of this one is going to accomplish anything quickly and efficiently as everyone is trying to destroy the other...Which in a sense is like comparing dick size for who is the superpower of the world...
yet no one...not any of you is a true superpower...
yes, you all may be a super town...but...none is a no country is a power if U truly want to be considered a superpower...and U really want to have a race of sort...have a race of who can make their entire country a superpower by wiping out poverty...
Then and only then can U be considered a superpower...
Perhaps...perhaps...maybe...just a thought
Perhaps, perhaps, incentives should be in the form of helping to build factories if work is brought back to the US, with a combination of work in return benefits...maybe also with no federal tax...would need to listen to creative ideas...on the tax issue as many need $ including the construction of no promises...just thought of how to make work...
Bringing back work is a must...if poverty is to be ended...other wise it is just hopeless promises...(what every politician markets) can u make America return to it's glory days otherwise...U will not do it by making the country uneasy and need consistency of promise...constant innovation...
The larger a country...the more people it has...the harder it may seem for victory...we can have a WW to fight poverty and all evil instead of destroying and adding onto they have done for thousands of years...and a multitude of civilizations...never coming to the conclusion of success...
Right now our technology is going forward at a very rapid the same time that many of us have halted our growth of intelligence...
To fight needs to also stop participation...
Before one can seriously consider colonizing space...we need to make Earth a strong hold...then we can put all our focus on space along with directing our resources with a goal in mind...It is unreasonable for us to put too many eggs in one basket...the projects being the eggs are bound to crack as full attention, focus, and resources will be difficult to attain...
I wonder if or have we scanned the surface of Mars if it would show any possible structures beneath the surface or signs of structures once being present...I'm kind of in the belief that if mars had structures at one point...(now this is getting into sci-fi) left unanswered....