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Thinking Out Loud 79

Writer's picture: GWGW

Updated: Aug 3, 2020

Working for benefits would be like paying for benefits...but making sure payments are made...


How do U explain the technology used on stonework thousands of years ago...

Mars was very likely once populated by humans or some life form...that would explain how U had possible UFOs in the early times from the heavens...The Gods of the early times where probably ET's and attacks were most likely natural disasters...The stories of the great floods were very likely... climate change of the previous times...

That's how it will end up...if we don't get our shit together...if we are lucky and survive natural disasters or bombing each other...depends which will come first...

Considering all civilizations before us... have fought...why would we do anything survive...?


Lets pollute space even more...makes having telescopes on earth almost pointless...why build additional when ideas of this nature exist...


Those who are super scared of most likely do not realize it...but... U R the people pushing everyone into a socialistic life...with automation and the progress with AI...

Communism is in the beginning, which transitions into capitalism, which then is supposed to transition into we are advancing at a record pace. Still, we are not matching it intelligence wise...

The thought process is that by the time capitalism transitions into socialism...

That no one is in one has enormous debts...and...everyone is of similar intelligence...

Guess what... we fail at all three...and some are screaming for socialism while others act as if they know and condemn...

How else do you expect equality...?...just taking from the rich...good luck...I'm not going to push socialism...I'm only explaining as it is supposed to all...we are not ready or anywhere close for many...Perhaps if we ever get a visit from ET's they can explain it better and how it works to satisfy all...

Perhaps...socialism to those... who qualify...?... Perhaps... divide country...?...future thought...

Early time socialism failed because poverty had existed...people where still had profits in mind...


Here's a thought that ran across my mind this morning...Is the way of life suppose to be...women give birth...but...fathers raise the children...Think About It...The girl usually gets along with the father...and...the boy needs direction...there are exceptions...

Are technically roles suppose to be reversed...?... Hence are women supposed to run the world...?.. I can feel the furious pushback already...Remember it's a thought to ponder...

We aren't in the hunter-gatherer days or the farming technically brute strength is no longer needed with the advancement of robotics and automation...

Now ...I am not saying... suddenly all men should become Mr. Mom...but...communication with thought should happen between couples...Equality should always be at issue...


Should social media also be live prove you are who you say you are...?...otherwise the keys tapped do not show on the platform...?..

VPN services hides your identity, but I think it's more important to know you R who you say U R then any privacy issues....on social media for safety issues among others...

A reason for surveillance... is possible that as abusers could find ways for a workaround, otherwise,

with AI, it is a possibility...


Realize God is within ...and... in life all around...he sees thru eyes, thru sense and feelings...translating thru the brain...He is not above looking down at the universe...


Instead within us... inside with a view as ours...he sees by the sun, peeks by clouds, glows by the moon...he senses thru plants, gives us life by trees, ...can watch thru birds ...and... all living that we call nature...this explains life figuring out thru instinct...

Some confuse the term mother nature... as her and God are one...turning him the choice to be yours...

If one still claims there is no God...well...Good Luck...


Technically, God is present in all life forms...So does that translate to God caged up in zoos...Does it convert to prisoners should be rehabilitated...Where does morality begin...?...

With technology and virtual reality... zoo, 's should slowly diminish...Does it mean that prisons for profit now have a responsibility to rehabilitate for past and present times...?...


Instead of folks screaming and pointing fingers, at...they should be figuring out and advancing...


Government should only be concerned with citizen safety, well being and give direction or organization...for a traditional government...but...this depends on who is at the many factors that decide duty...


I once mentioned a second tier above the roads...

For electric cars to be fully handless...

How about hyperloop type tunnels... on the sides of expressways... for electric cars only...

In areas where a tunnel doesn't make sense... due to flooding...

Might be cheaper in individual states...

Dependent on the type of frequent natural disasters...

I'm curious if it would be resistant to tornadoes... as it would probably have cement or steel columns...with a rounded tube on top...

That would be the with of 1 lane...makes one wonder...

To consider for the future... hyperloop type tubes... could be used for future expressways...with cement, steel roads or a combination of both inside...Think about it...perhaps...steel roads would be more durable...

But still would need ideas...for emergencies... for every vehicle to expressway concept... perhaps combine for lane changes... maybe protecting from outside elements...which could help with wear and tear...

The loops could have skylights on top...would eliminate the need for lighting during the panels on top to power the illumination inside...or both for day and night...possibilities are endless...

can construct off-site...then quickly assemble on-site...or replace sections... when for thought...


I sense we were/are supposed to figure out cures for diseases and all medical conditions... so that when we as a society transition into socialism...medical expenses would be at a minimum cost...Perhaps...?...we might have translated it entirely in the opposite direction...

As we drive up costs...

Perhaps...all infrastructure was to be designed and built for quick construction...quick and cheap replacement over costly and timely repairs...

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