media companies should collaborate to design one page...where they are all on there in different sized windows...for me for example...I would more likely visit them where I can see everything on one screen...or use multiple services at one time...monitor certain windows while typing in the other...or do it in browser form but let customer add programs or links...someone smarter can figure out the rest...just an idea...perhaps...
Yesterday I saw an article that claimed Chump would seek advice from Belichick in case of war...not a west point general...which he just praised the graduates recently...Does no one see the hypocrisy in making a public statement like that...Nothing wrong with seeking advice
from different individuals even coaches but you need the intelligence to strategies, Chump is clearly lacking in that department...he's been President for almost 4 years and the country is falling apart...Do his supporters not see this...oh, it's Chinas fault...since when is a leaders job to blame...?...He blames everyone but himself...So keep believing he is going to make America Great again...I'm just curious when he plans to start...
So some of you just keep praising Chump rather then voicing for real change...Honestly I can't get angry at Chump the other choice is Biden...only making a statement that we as a nation are too weak to choose our own candidates...instead our choices are given to us...and we believe that we are a democracy...???
Is a mistake still a mistake after 1000's of same mistakes...???...Is poor judgement essentially a translation...???...
I would say that kid pageant shows... where the act of pretending to be adults...wearing makeup...stiletto' actually helping promote the acts of pedophiles...child sex abuse...child trafficking...etc...
Some may get angry at me for making such a statement...but...think about are forcing kids to pretend they are adults...As a mom are you really thinking this through...?....To think...we have people in this world who actually promote this as well as make money off this...then you have the disturbing fact that...I assume...people actually go to these events...and lets face it...this world is filled with sick and disturbed individuals...
Just thought I would comment for those parents to perhaps think about it...take a look from a different perspective...t's one thing to show grandma but a whole different thing to go into competition...I could be overreacting but someone has to for your sakes...
I'm totally expecting someone to say..."well my kid is always pretending to be an adult"..."wearing my makeup and shoes"...READ CAREFULLY..."Its one thing to show Grandma but a different ballgame to compete:'
MIGHT...COULD...ARE...we a simulation...?...This is a serious question...A simulation could be translated many ways...after all we are one experiment even if by nature...isn't a simulation most easily explained as the reason for evolution...?...
I believe the asteroid impacts could have begun the ice age's...not ended them it could be believed... currently...
When I started this blog...I was fully supportive of capitalism...over time as I have been thinking and listening...I have kind of changed my thoughts...Don't worry I'm not going to push many of you are so afraid of it...but think rationally and intelligently as most of you have young kids or grandkids...
We are forcing ourselves into what ultimately will be a socialistic way of the means of automation...As more and more automation will be introduced taking over blue collard jobs...we have the addition of AI taking over white collard jobs...Hence very few will have an opportunity for employment... slowly overtime taking those well...
As a nation we have to slow down and perhaps hit keep jobs from disappearing...many people are not ready for socialism...both mentally and socially by way of have socialism work...people would need to be out of debt and out of poverty...
Just thoughts:
Perhaps offer socialism to those who qualify...
Perhaps have an age restriction...passing the baton for employment of the young...kind of like early retirement...the addition of jobs will be scarce...growing birth rate...everyone is focused on enough food but no one is focused on work and money in order to buy food...hence pushing socialism...
Costs of services...cost of living...inflation goes up 13 cents product is 20-50 dollars more expensive...?
False parts...made to break...screwing the customer...forcing customer to upgrade...this is capitalism today
The less money you have the more you pay in the long run...the cheaper the products...the more needed to buy over and over...kind of doesn't make sense as the less you have the more you pay...
Does everyone deserve the same...?...How much is too much...? it
fair...?...why is more or bigger always assumed better...?...super sized... addiction...bigger...higher profits...more...large doses...higher percentages...why is one not enough...?...
For capitalism to succeed for the long term...does it need to be not for profit...preventing companies to buy each other out...preventing the forming of monopolies...forcing start ups and innovation...Does the forming of new companies increase employment the same by a large monopolistic company...Depends if automated in the end...
Is a monopoly necessarily a bad thing...?...prevents competition...competition can cause the cutting of corners and false claims...To keep cost of living as low as possible...does profit need to be eliminated
For Universities to last for the long run...does work need to exist...?...what happens to education when students no longer have an do you raise a young family...?...hence socialism being forced by the same people speaking out against socialism...
Because people of the past have fear mongered the end of the world and we still only question is "for how much longer" the answer to do the same over and over...till the end...with that attitude...why even have success...why have kids...why have the death penalty...why hate...why have wars...why fight for anything...???...
If all have no hope of continuing this game of life...why do anything...???...If all think life has no meaning...then why bring forth new life...???...
Is the stock market to blame...?...stocks call for profit above all else...Profits come through customer deception...???...whether cutting corners or over charging, does it not attain the same result...You can only screw the consumer while they have disposable the end you are screwing yourself for the final shebang...Will the dollar still have worth in the end...?...making your millions worthless...???...
Will we all die poor as a civilization...?...just like we where born as a civilization...
Why not for the USPS to instead of raising prices it could be better for them to lower prices...only ship one rate at the standard shipping speed...if someone needs faster or next day they have other options...become a not for profit...not compete with Amazon, Fed Ex, UPS, etc...To stay a post office for the people...become a cheap shipping option...If you just raise prices you are destined to be outmatched...that is probably how Amazon gained success over once before they continued trying to make a profit...outbid by a giant in Amazon...