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Thinking Out Loud 83

Updated: Aug 26, 2020

In an earlier post I had mentioned or suggested smart outlets...those could be any wireless proceed with caution...perhaps...I don't know... it was only my suggestion...I am not a doctor or seek a knowledgeable opinion if they ever come to fruition. Considering most of you have no problems sticking a cell phone to your head or any issues with 5g...this might be a moot point...


The Brightside to automation and AI is....everyone will have more time to work on the more excuses...perhaps fitness should become a job...then we would never have to worry about it is a daily job...come on smart and creative minds =...lets pull together ...and... think how this could work...


honest thoughts...

just think this thought...

If I am being honest...this is just a thought...make nothing of it...but everyday clothes should be like the Saudi robes ...or...all white clothes ...and... fashion should be for going out in the evenings...or for those who choose...think how much more it would be pleasant to the eye...perhaps...people would have more disposable income for name brand fashion...could possibly make demand for knock off clothing not worthwhile...hence could possibly hinder black market...many of the fashion related youth problems...could be dissolved...Like a national uniform

Bikinis...for a base standard... could be a standard design which would be all style...Is this a possible solution for a part of socialism...???

Perhaps my eye for aesthetics is one reason...for my hate for well as dirty cities and neighborhoods...environments...poor living standards by force or choice...

The one problem would be cold weather months...but that could be solved...then you have the nude could be a reason for fitness...but again you have those cold weather months...I guess we could make an

COME ON...Work With

Reason thought to mind was I recently watched a show called "buying nude"...and all the clothed individuals looked out of place...for me...and thought...perhaps...the clothing option...should be a standard all white type uniform...but then this could be only me as I don't like to do anything...Half Ass...


Some ideas...for thought...for national uniform...possibly for school...possible for socialistic option...for thought...

Perhaps have options of ...

white gown type...Saudi type clothing

khaki dress

white dress

white top...white bottom

khaki top khaki bottom

White top...khaki bottom

Khaki top...white bottom

white coat

khaki coat


From time to time...I will write ideas which will sound socialistic...these are only ideas I happen to think of... at the time...don't hate...just ignore or think about...these thoughts will ultimately be adjusted...I'm not pushing socialism...don't feel many of us are ready for the next step...

But with how quickly technology is advancing...this step seems ultimately unavoidable...much thought needs to be made as to how quickly we move our technology...compared to how and at what pace we are advancing socially I'm meaning financially and status wise...


Certain folks honestly do not know, understand ...or...refuse the previous...when it comes to credit...these people need to be shielded from credit rather then enticed...

Knowingly enticing, luring in...

Perhaps...say you have a 500$ limit...that limit will only increase when payments are made in full.


you have a 5000$ purchase 1500$ for the pay 750$ cannot use the card again till you pay the can get credit for the amount paid off (in this case 750$)...

when you pay 750$ again ...or... the balance...your limit returns to 5000$

This would teach people responsibility... including card companies...banks still make interest when payments are made...but folks wouldn't fall into tremendous debt...


Seriously why do you need middle men (congress) to vote on your behalf...???...Either we live in a democracy or this is a dictatorship in disguise...If this voting can finally be settled...I don't see why you couldn't vote yourselves and only have congress debate your issues on live tv to the American public...This would eliminate lobbyists... so it won't be easy to fix could solve many if not all our problems with politics...


I'm having trouble understanding...Why the popular vote is not final...I don't get it...Did u all ever hear of the statement...keep it simple pun intended...why introduce room for loopholes...that's how you got Donald Chump...voter fraud...yes...but not what he's thinking...


nothing wrong with being plus can't do much on the body God gave you .. but ...I would think you would want to stay fit...not purely by the food you eat but by the motions (exercise) you put your body through...This isn't intended towards anyone

specific...just sayin...

Not to shame anyone...Not intended towards pregnancy or health issues...but if you are lazy and / or undisciplined...this could be hinted in your direction...


This might already exist...I'm just unaware...but...perhaps...a messenger / dating app / chat...that shows live video... of the person typing... at the time...??? would require hardware or monitor mounted camera...but people are against any computer controlled camera... so...moot point...everyone thinks they have privacy...but you forget that you text on your phone...


I just filled out a survey on gun safety and kids...not only was the survey ridiculous but the fact that this is still an issue...It comes down to what kind of a world do you all want to live in...your all being too nice towards evil ...and... just letting it walk all over you...with the so called voted in leaders...while one side hopes...for change...the other side supports...all while being blinded to see past the words...

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