Is God really a Goddess...Is a Queen suppose to be above a King (technically)...essentially it should be...
equal... but by is...
It was Man that gave rank ...and...It was Man that gave authority...
A Goddess would translate to life...but is it God giving advice...
A King needs to impress a Queen...but...a Queen may give birth to the future King or Queen...
In history many Kings would give up on the ...Queen... if she could not produce a future King...
Technically did we do history in reverse...?
In nature... Lions protect the Lioness' not stick to the end of life...
Technically did we do life in reverse...?...expecting monogamy of life...
Many will argue that you cannot compare lions to life...but...that is only because we let capitalism rule our life...
Has Man been mistranslating for the time of life...
Still no taxes...???...But they think they are going to beat Chump...???...You can't make this stuff
How about a military style boot camp as part of prison rehabilitation...Could learn discipline, ...mental toughness...could be to tired for violence...could learn teamwork...could learn to work together...But could also be abused by wrong personnel...just a thought...
Could be for first two years or so before you move on to more specific training...
For the record the lower the percentage of cannabis...the lower the head high...but...everything else...Another key point is to vaporize over smoking it...heat or toast the cannabis prior to vaporizing...take 1 - 2 hits...reuse the same cannabis until not strong enough...I'm tired of people acting like they know but have no clue... including Doctors...We do everything in reverse in America and the rest of the world...Always wanting more...
Answer to a question at the time to Ted Nugent on the Rogan show...
Yes...for me...can't speak for others...but most have no idea of how it can help...especially for brain injuries...Can make the wires in your head connect that normally are disconnected when in a sober state...People could or would have more common sense if used in moderation...all while heating or toasting prior to inhaling...
Just all the clothes and swimsuit haul video creators...get creative...don't do the same as all the rest...stand out...bring attention to yourselves... don't just show off the clothes with good looks...but... add creativity to how they are shown / displayed...
I once wrote "I didn't see a body'' for the Epstein murder...yeahhh...just laugh at that...supposedly they had a haha April Fools joke it might have been...On Me...By
How confident can you be that the Bible was interpreted correctly and not enhanced to make sense by the interpreters...Everybody thinks that people 1000's of years ago...had the intelligence of today...speaking of intelligence of today...YOU all believe the previous statement...So you are going to claim... with a straight face... that Jesus was able to interpret a whole Bible's worth of text...back then...yet he sacrificed himself... thinking God alone would save him...similar to the thinking of many...
I have trouble understanding why you would need to raise money to prevent gun violence...especially against children...I mean I understand... but... honestly I don't understand why one would be forced too...We donate to the military every year by way of taxes...actually we have congress donate on our behalf...and they tell us...its for our safety...then you have child gun violence...again, for our safety...but, child gun violence...sounds contradictory...makes no sense...time to get rid of the middle men...our company (country) is on the verge of bankruptcy...that should be reasoning for letting them go...CEO's do what the company needs...Our President should do the same ...or... at least suggest it ...and... have us vote on it...
on copyright laws...y can't u state copy righted and just not accept monetary value for posting it's like free advertising...that they would normally have to pay for...It's like you are helping the Artist by Marketing for them...Instead they make you take it them in order to use it's have to pay them in order to advertise for the which the Artist I'm sure gets a very small percentage... which translates to cents...Capitalism is showing it's true colors... I hate to say it but almost sounds like a middle man...
One could probably receive monetary value...but that's where it gets dicey...because they didn't hire you...but...your not taking any money from them...see where it gets dicey...they own the content...
Perhaps charge double for the song...the Artist gets full price for song instead of percentage...I don't know...
Perhaps...I'll let u all think about it...
Back in the day when they only had radio...I'm sure you needed the industries or middle men to market for with the internet world wide...and the creativity of Artists around the should be able to figure out the rest...
...Just need to have... one example and boom...