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Thinking Out Loud 85

Writer's picture: GWGW

switching from a 5 day work week to a 4 day...if working from home makes eliminate lunch...and... all the watercooler time spent through out day...

but would it be required...

only if you work by the hour...but most individuals who are lucky enough... to work from home... are salary based...and I assume as an don't care how long it takes long as they get it they would essentially make own hours...

Perhaps this is a ridiculous subject to'll just leave it... at that...


Honestly I do not think a current President who has served 4 years should be allowed to campaign...what's he promising that he is not proving (besides more false promises) to do what he hasn't show signs of promise...he / she should have her accomplishments...campaign for them...

It 's a mockery of our pollical system...common sense tells you it's fishy...makes no sense to have to campaign after 4 years of service...just let this sink in...and think about...from the outside in...


Eventually models, actors, servers everyone's job will be lost...Once robots become human like...If we don't prepare for this...nature will take course...has it already started the process...even if China was behind this latest pandemic...?......humans are still a part of nature...


I was our complete pharmacy in nature...think about it...what other animal or species buys or gets pills...(this is technically speaking )...We buy medicine yet we still Die early...We buy medicine yet we have no cures...We need to work... to pay for medicine...we we can work...sooner or later capitalism will catch up and take the lead...

I believe pharmaceuticals...have a place...I also believe pharmaceuticals should be not for profit...get upset if u want...but...that's how I feel...pharmaceuticals can be to speed up, to cure if we can't figure out a natural way...but why would God place us on this Earth if all the answers weren't out in nature...things happen for a reason

someone will say..."what about diseases" answer "are u sure it's nature"..."not man enhanced"...the key is to work with nature...not to replace...

See how socialism is suppose to start to come into play (or not yet) maybe it's just me because I understand it...

Socialism isn't suppose to portrayed...we weren't suppose to have massive debts...inequality...poverty...with those terms in place...yes socialism is a disaster...but...we have based our entire World on I don't see an easy or quick don't expect me to push for it...but suggest forms of can put a label on it if u want...but...I don't like I won't use...

with no monetary needs you have none to very little crime...practically all crime is because of one form or another...

Since the beginning of time...we have had currency and crime...yet no one ever questioned why crime exists...only how to make it always exist...instead of solving to eradicate it...

People of then have somewhat of an evolutionary'd would come to mind...Perhaps it has...but...the cash register goes off in one's head...failing to see ahead...

the future is not how one views in cinema...people will have less to spend with automation and AI...]

...You don't fix what is not broken...only for a necessary change ...or... only for convenience...but we only fix for profit...hence cell phones as an example...


1200 dollars a the could sound appealing...if you currently have money...coming in...but remember eventually your job will be taken over (not saying tomorrow but sooner then your thinking)...Not to mention... constant increases...using inflation as an excuse...

you will have socialism in this the end...If we want to our technological's just a natural ...eventual... next step...

Just... think about it...and you should get a similar conclusion...get some good thinking bud...sit in your backyard...and just your minds and ways of thinking...


Did past civilizations ultimately destroy themselves because of Capitalism... spinning out of control...???...the Roman empire would be one...So why did we repeat...thinking and expecting for it to this time work...


My reaction to last nights RNC speech...LOL...I don't know who looked more clueless...The President for believing his lies or the crowd for clapping in approval...They set off fireworks as if they are proud...anything to spend money...

I keep hearing...Democratic run Cities...Isn't a City in a state which is in a by our President...???

Law and order keeps being tossed around also...since when does it mean dictatorship in a Democracy...?...Because I'm pretty sure that is his hope...if no law and order in place now......what the Fu@& are we paying taxes for...???....have his supporters not figured that one out yet...???

He also blamed China for taking our manufacturing jobs...and mentioned...made in America...but...can someone remind him...he had all his shit produced in China...It's everyone's fault but his...........and they set off FIREWORKS for him and chanted 4 more years...let that sink in...I'm wondering... what country manufactured the Fireworks... used last night......


Is freedom of speech...freedom to lie...???


Is it...freedom to say thought...?

freedom to lie is freedom to deceive...

speech is a written or verbal form...

Can a lie be a thought...?...if purposely to deceive...?

the thought to lie


freedom of speech...


Is freedom of speech...taken too far...?

Is fake news not a crime...?

when is a crime... a crime...?

Is deceiving the public...not a crime...?

Is deceiving the commit a crime...a freedom to speech...?

When is false information considered a crime...?

If false information results in a crime...can it be considered...freedom of speech...?

Is freedom of speech...freedom to commit crime...?

If a state official is under oath for his employer...Does that put him under oath to the tax payer...who funds the employer...?

Is knowingly falsifying an action... still a thought...or a crime...?

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