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Thinking Out Loud 98

Writer's picture: GWGW

Updated: Dec 15, 2020

Any fool in my opinion knows ET's exist...but...a fool continues to call them Aliens...thinking he is superior to their intelligence...This is my belief... except the fool still believes that ancients are responsible for the Architecture of the Great Pyramids...the labor ,very likely, Yes ...but...the design and tools...the answer is Simply No...My belief

An unintelligent will say..."that's bullshit, Man"...while...An intelligent will wonder...and...wonder...and wonder...


Struggle in life is a requirement...if U don't have it in this life...U will have it in the next........Again, that is my belief...

Struggle does not mean necessarily can be an athlete wanting to become pro...An entrepreneur starting a business...A single mom working three jobs...all kinds of struggle..

Life is like a video game...having multiple levels...but unlike a video game the levels get belief...

A reason to solve racism is...U must solve your issue to go on to the next level...They could have more colored people unlike those on earth...U never know...I'm sure they experimented a lot when they were trying to figure out DNA

Chances are U don't spend eternity as an angel... like taught...Angels are Ur partners here on earth when matched


I'm having trouble understanding what this whole issue is with Merry Christmas, To me it's sounds fine saying "Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays" Why do you have to say one or the other...?...Unless I am missing something, I think some people have way too much time..


Good And Evil

can be translated as

Socialism and Communism

Left and Right

a neutral is missing for Capitalism

With Capitalism in-between the two...playing neutral...allowing U all to choose which direction U all want to go...good or evil...most are evil as they screw the consumer for profit...

Capitalism is a way to fight out of communism and slowly progress into Socialism...

all while through evolution the person or people are to get intelligence...

The thing is intelligence and evolution does not come on its own...

I say Socialism because of the transition to automation and entrance of AI...

Capitalism can turn evil or stay good...up to the people...

Capitalism was suppose to be a time to fight poverty...As socialism rewards for success rather then economics...

That's how U get equality...

It's as if U all took a bite of the apple...

The stories of the Bible are not meant to be taken literally but they all fall into a translation...

For instance the stories of the Great Floods were very likely previous climate changes...that could be why some ancient cities like Atlantis are under water...


This World is filled with Evil...and everybody is doing their part in the destruction...God is just about fed up as well...Good will not beat evil until it has an intelligent society...Capitalism was a time where all things were supposed to be figured out...poverty was supposed to be ended....cures for illnesses, diseases were supposed to be discovered ...that's how U keep costs down for universal...but...instead you all let yourselves be corrupted......and U don't even realize...that's the saddest part...yet so true...


In translation...

1+1 can = 3


2+2 can never equal 5

Think About It...

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