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Thinking Out Loud in Words 122

Everything is about money, money and money...but then...the religious folks take it the other way...they want all to be free of charge...Well the way it's suppose to actually have to earn need to show progress forward... to sustain it...lifestyles are earned or given through competition...but...that is a form of earning...


You know how I once mentioned an above ground rail system for the city...well What If...your electric car drove to an entrance and hooked up to the rail system...that would also connect to an electrical signal...and you tell or type in the address and your car automatically...drop you off...park on it's own...then pick you up when you are ready...all autonomously...but...the whole rail system works in sync...because vehicles communicate with each other...and no surprises... because it is all above ground...perhaps one day...


you can drive up onto a track...stick it in neutral...get connected physically and by you go... like a roller coaster...


YOU CAN HAVE personal electric cars on the top rails...and...buses...hanging underneath and above on same rail system...

That's probably as close as we are going to get to the Jetson's style of driving...besides drones...but...that would be higher up...


Earlier I you own land...for generations ...or... do you lease it...while alive...

let me add some info for discussion...

We are all immigrants of one was given birth by the land like a plant was...

technically borders were decided and drawn up by man...

We are not a natural resource of the claim ownership...

so is purchasing land ...essentially buying stolen land...

Can you see how I come to the conclusion... that the land and waters belong to all not a few...

Technically you are leasing from all...not the banks ...the banks are selling you stolen lands and raising prices so that land...they originally stole by making claim and take monetary value for...can be resold to earn them profit...


this is only a knowledge on the subject...only based on what I have read and heard...but I heard on a podcast this morning about Elon wanting to send nukes to Mars...and read that a helium oxygen blast can create this a way for us to create waters on the surface of Mars (or) perhaps in concept ...Please have an open mind before attacking me...Probably you wouldn't need that big of a blast for a trigger...

on another note...if Mars were landscaped by seed...would then Mars need or would it be beneficial to flood the land...but...based on the cold temperatures of Mars...would a atmosphere need to be created first...would that warm up the Temperatures...?


Don't fool yourselves...Shamon didn't figure out how to make Ayahuasca...they were taught...Just think a little harder...


I have mixed feelings about Bi Polar disease...of course I don't know how serious it can affect someone...if it's hurting you or other or you go into rage...then please seek help...but if it's a mild case of you losing your temper because of what someone did or made you feel...I want to say a woman might supposed to be that way...perhaps..............But Do Not take me too seriously because I am not a this is not medical advice and you should ask a trained physician for advice..............But they might give you the similar warning...depending on pill


Who says that bullets in games need to create blood and gore..."Well it's to be realistic" you answer to that is "your sitting in front of a computer screen...pressing arrows for movement and pressing a button on a keyboard to shoot...and...your excuse is... to be realistic..."your kidding if you are of that thinking...( can happen that way ...but... in a even can be done in real life...but that's not my thinking ...and... you know it)... so yes there can be modified exceptions...especially with automation...

but...where I'm going with this...

Why can't the bullets ...paralyze on the drop...just like being shot but without the Gore...It would make the GAMES ALOT MORE PARENT FREINDLY...If you need Gore you still have an imagination.....Just thinking out loud...but gaming could become parent friendly...or a step closer...if you take away the Gore...perhaps...just a thought...I'm trying to help you all out here...not being negative...


Might ...sand...made from...crushed old a stronger bond agent...making concrete... more durable...???...


Is not being truthful about your product essentially a crime...?...Is that not what marketing accomplishes with careful wording...?...Does this not define a large portion of the Supplement community...?...The age old question pops up...Is the listener responsible or the speaker...?...After is free speech...we are all for...When is being untruthful actually being untruthful...?...I mean we all interpret data differently...Can being untruthful be defined as being hopeful...?...

Here's a wild acting Untruthful...?...Is telling your kids "it's from Santa" Untruthful...or claiming not to be home...Untruthful...your answer is probably ..."No", "well maybe", "ok",...but think about it..."OK, I GET your POINT" starts out small and then Human psychology...takes over...


When Evolution is my means...derived from...Yes we very likely derived from the ape...which may have derived from the monkey...or...likely the other way around...meaning what was learned by creating one was modified to create the new version...

this helps explain the differences in new civilizations...Natural Evolution only happens to the brain and minor physical features...based on use...That helps the dinosaur age existed and then ended... with natures help (in other words God or ?)...

and suddenly the animals were of smaller size...this helps explain why there is no more Woolly Mammoth and other larger...but...smaller species then the dinosaurs...This went on until you eventually get humans of today...perhaps...

Forming a planet like earth and all it's species takes million of years...or perhaps 1000's depending what era we start with...although it's probably best to start at the beginning...

perhaps this is how we verify facts from fiction...truth from lies ...history would no longer be a guessing game...that's how you become an expert...not like us here on earth...where we read a book and that suddenly makes us experts...

This is why it is highly unlikely anyone is escaping it is in everyone's best keep Earth from blowing up...

On a side note...this makes a case for my socialism...As the profits in Capitalism...make it impossible for the you will have to cut corners to make a profit...This also makes a case for intelligence not to be distracted by evil which would be Capitalism...As Is...

Remember in all my writings...I am not trying to convince anyone...that's not my job only consists of sharing my are free to believe what it is you want to believe...these are only my thoughts and beliefs...I am not stating...this is how it is...because I do not know for make such a statement...

Science...I keep hearing SCIENCE...Science...SCIENCE...that includes you Joe...But...when is Science...SCIENCE...when funded by Capitalism...which it's main purpose is to make a Profit...which consists of cutting corners...Lies and deceit...and the quicker ...then...the higher the profit...Just being curious...perhaps...

At least Chump didn't believe in SCIENCE...

He had his trusty Rock, Paper, Scissors...Lol...hahaha hahahaha


Dr. SQUATCH soap Co...if you happen to read this post...perhaps....make a liquid soap in a bottle...if You don't already...


I once saw a video of someone building a baby robot that looks and acts authentic...Perhaps...we should have a nurturing program...that all students would have to attend and pass with an in order to reasoning for this is we are all born good by default...and...evil has to be extracted...that usually but not always happens through bad parenting...


I have a really hard time understanding certain people...For instance some religious folks...Specifically those that translate The Bible...claiming that God hates Gays...This proves to me that you are an evil person and can you claim to be a person of God...and show Hate onto others...People of that Nature...have no concept of God...and what he or she stands for...

Then there are those that claim a family consists of a male and female...that is incorrect...a family consists of two loving parents...I say two...because we chose to live in a Capitalist society...In a more social society you may have one but many loving parents as everybody helps out...while all have your best interest in mind...But in this world not all or many can be trusted...As many abuse their own kids...let alone others...

Then you have the leaders of this World...who send out their young die...for no other reason than their political biases...or...monetary hopes in mind...with the audacity to make claims of defense and protection...when in reality consciously causing more harm and disruption then Safety and Good...

Don't even get me started...on or about those who show any type of hate onto others...ALL WHILE HIDING BEHIND GOD...Those committing crimes or harm to others...while having the nerve to attend Sunday Mass...OR WORSHIP OF OTHER...without having regret or sorrow...simply casually asking for forgiveness...then doing the same...OVER and OVER...

Then you have those who fight and kill because that is how they interpret their religious text...all while never figuring out. That their ancestors civilizations...those who wrote the scriptures...could not survive for reason...un-other then the footsteps they follow...


Let's say you are really into also like to save money were you can...could you not charge a battery for your home with a treadmill or bike or rower, etc...or...perhaps you are a gym...could you not charge a battery whenever the above equipment is in use...I's being used anyways...mind as well save some operating costs...just a thought...perhaps...


Those who have experienced the end of life or Death and miraculously... came could have experienced... the part of the mind ...

locating the God Cell,,,'s a subconscious thought...of the way you perceive it's not necessarily a conscious thought in your mind...

Are our cities built wrong...Did a Capitalist design them...?...shouldn't majority of stores be within walking distance...I'm not going to even mention the lack of public transportation...But then if everything was within walking'd be

to stay more fit...If you didn't order everything would be more the end relying less on my conclusion needs to move around stay healthy...

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