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Thinking Out Loud in Words 123

Writer's picture: GWGW

Was Cannabis originally placed on Earth...along with Psychedelic help our brains develop...This Bullshit story on how it halts a young brain from developing... is such nonsense....And with so many brain issues...someone is guilty of something...because I don't know why no one would come to this conclusion when it was studied... enough... to be considered dangerous...Again I will say...this is complete Bullshit...and Doctors know it...You all have just been using it wrong...or seen someone after using it give you all a negative opinion...of cannabis...

Yes ...having a Strong strain without toasting away the strongest Trichomes. or using too much...overwhelms the mind...That's one reason why natural cannabis... did not originally grow at these enormous THC percentages...Why are we ruining the game for ourselves...and making life so difficult...

Making alcohol levels higher then naturally yet another way Evil has taken control...

Natural resources all around, that we have dug up...mined...extracted...sucked out.........of the Earth.........................and...replaced with Garbage...............What is the thinking or non thinking behind this...?

you know...I'm not even going to try to explain further...because it's so obvious to me ...and...yet... the majority of You do not see it...the same way...

But we created our own apocalypse...and the many can't even figure out... what I might mean... by making such a statement...I hear the voices already..."What Apocalypse"...they don't develop overnight ,,, up over time...

We should just... blow ourselves up ...With a will save us a slow the long run...

But as usual will all... just write me off... as another crazy guy...fear mongering...But it's your Grand Kids children that will most likely suffer...or Great Great Grand Kids children...despite the Generation...They'll remember you by the mess you left them...That's if we even survive that long...


I might upset some warning in advance...but this whole story about Jesus being Gods son...we are all Gods translation...But it is an impossible thought to think ...that God had impregnated Mary...unless a women produces semen...somewhere in her's impossible...God can do anything...but...he or she can't create magic...unless you translate the results...


Is our subconscious mind... actually the mind of the God Cell...Is this how we figure things this how it always has the right answer...what we see through our eyes...our subconscious see's the things what our conscious mind... may not notice...perhaps...May also be how our memories work...through our subconscious mind...which may be the library were our conscious mind gets it's information......


it would be a lot cheaper to live... life... if we lived simpler...But because we chose Capitalism...It's designed for Spend...It's not so much that some's the spending that drives them...the purchasing...perhaps...this is true art least...for Some...some will argue...but...that's ok...


viruses in the ocean could be from all the trash...and...all the trash in landfills...The land is connected to the water of the

another perhaps could be the reason...that when we are a very often (from what I hear) enters the do a test of the water...which probably shows them...the status of the

Everything is connected...all of nature communicates within it selves...Has any one ever tested what the plant roots in certain areas...sound do they sound different during a fire...sound different near landfills...or if they have changed overtime...maybe we would likely be able to figure something out ...or... if they calm down when they receive certain nutrients...


Thinking of the explosions in the sky...could a possibility be... water being created on the surface...of an earth like planet...perhaps...?


Are cut flowers actually a sign of evil...the flowers slowly die...once they are cut...the flowers were filled with life until they were cut...

What If...the water they are held in would actually be a solution with an abundance of nutrients...and one would change out the solution every so many days....looking at the stem of a flower...each growth cycle...were the stem grows it gathers nutrients...then each growth cycle after...adds on to the previous growth cycle...and the previous feeds off the following..

When they are cut...that feeding cycle stops...and they are put in water... which has limited in essence you are starving the cut their eventual death...perhaps...


would perhaps cutting the stem disrupt the feeding cycle and now they don't feed off each other...but each growth cycle...feeds itself from the cut...?

I think in either case the same solution would benefit the flowers...perhaps...


Education is suppose to be free of charge...Essentially every student is to earn a scholarship....that's how you get the best out of the best...NOT by earning the minimum and being accepted...then going into debt or forking over the cash...if you have it...that's another way evil has taken control...

Anything that includes debt is evil in disguise...

Because it costs money to get half ass results like US History, US Science, etc...actually it should be the World results of today...most will argue "what's wrong with our current results"...I can't argue that...I have nothing to back it up...but...I'll just shake my head, and leave it at that...One also zips through school to earn money...and to start paying off debt...

EDUCATION is NOT supposed to be for profit...But in this is...

Alumni donations... if any... are suppose to fund the school...NOT the students...


why can't a regular oven be an air fryer and then a Regular oven as well...?...isn't it adding heat elements and fans and a switch to turn on...? create an air fryer...?...perhaps you'd be able to control...which heating element / fan...would turn on...if any...?...


Why not... dig a deep / wide trench / ditch... around volcanoes...and... then dig them wider... as they fill up...and cool could probably build a wall...with the dirt that's dug can dig up a pattern...when the lava overflows the could fall in and fill up another ditch...perhaps...?...

Could dry dirt, the consistency of sand...put out a fire...if sprayed out of an extinguisher...what about for forest fires...might this be more effective than water molecules evaporate in extreme heat...perhaps...?...


Perhaps new adoptive parents should somehow earn the right to adopt...rather then paying for a adopted child is not a puppy...not that puppies should be bought can of worms opened...I tend to believe that a parent or parents are more likely to love the child for the long term than ones who buy ...but... there are exceptions...perhaps a thought...but...maybe...


Shouldn't minimum wage be set as a percentage compared to inflation...? ...rather then a set amount...same result as when set amount is compared and adjusted to just saying...

I keep thinking about this minimum's a bit unfair to Mary and Bob...who have been working at said company...AND...earn, say 15$ after 10 years...wouldn't one have to raise their pay...the equivalent of the raise from previous minimum this case around 7$ do you not need to raise all hourly 7$ be fair...I know no one wants to hear this...but...already today I heard that 15$ is not enough with rising costs...they were saying 20$ is more like it...keep holding off from taking care of this...PRICES are only going to go up...

Should more markets like those in Seattle and Europe among others...for grocery shopping... be opened keep prices lower...because at the grocery are paying for profits, operating costs, marketing, shelf space...


you people need to figure out what Drugs are...Cannabis is a herb you pick and smoke...Mushrooms are a pick and eat or soak...LSD can be considered a drug because it's made up of chemicals...I believe, so unnatural...opium although a need to process to create heroin, a drug...coco leaf although a leaf...natural when you chew the leaf perhaps for a tooth ache (I could be wrong hear as far as it's use is concerned)...but...a drug when processed into cocaine...Acid also a drug as I believe it's made of chemicals... naturally already produced in your body...

You all need to stop referring to Cannabis as a all sound like fools when you do...just like the idiot politicians and government officials... who deemed a war against it...Just like the Fuckin Morons who keep fear mongering while Big Pharma poisons you and you're brains...along with the common sense they have already poisoned away...


Chip shortage...that's what you get for having yearly new models...across the industries...Driving inflation which causes you all to raise your prices...

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