To Trump supporters ask him what his Plan is...considering he has already been in office...he has had plenty of time to come up with a detailed map...on how he will save America...not only broad ideas but details...Also...don't forget that Biden may have cognitive issues at this age...well, Chump will be roughly the same age at the time he would be elected...
We are probably of only a few developed countries, if not the only one's...who put senior care above kids...elderly care is R also the future... of today's citizens, I actually don't think any focus on health is matter what the age...Besides Chump telling U to use Bleach as mouthwash...or something
PLEASE DON'T USE BLEACH FOR ORAL CARE...this is only meant as a joke...
Reading through my blog, U will notice that I seem to pick on Chump... (see I did it again) I mean Donald Trump............all kidding aside...I have mentioned this before ...but... will again...My perhaps funny wording, is meant for Donald and Donald only...They R not intended for any of his family members...He is able to dish it out towards others but no one seems to have the balls to dish it back, in the political aisle...So therefor, my comments intended towards him, R from all of us in the disabled Community...