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Thinking Out Loud in Words 135

Writer's picture: GWGW

All the plastic we use...can it not be recycled and used for solid 2 x 4's... possibly being cheaper than building out of wood...maybe...but...I didn't think of the heat...but...perhaps they would be able to combine another material, in with the plastic, that would make the 2x4's more durable...perhaps...this might solve the issues with recycling plastic... perhaps....

Maybe, the plastic could be combined with the wood in the forming of make it more durable... Possibly...? have an additional form of...?...but... an issue may come up...?...the melting of plastic, due to fires...and... the fumes that result...?... perhaps...


Did U ever wonder why Ur gene code has a weird nationality attached to it...And U probably wondered about your ancestors...well, perhaps it is...but... and this depends on your belief in reincarnation...but,'s a clue to your past lives leading up to this one... I have no idea...but it's perhaps a thought to ponder...


my take on the Russia vs Ukraine crisis...

In my opinion Vladimer made a disastrous mistake...let me explain...Russia has size and military might as an advantage...they could annihilate Ukraine if they wanted too...that makes Russia look like the international bullies by attacking Ukraine......(I'm surprised no media or World leader is calling Russia out on reason that they are declaring themselves as international wimps by picking on the little guy...The same will go for China if they invade Taiwan, the US if they invade Iran, etc...But the media is too blind to actually do some critical thinking...

Now if they were attacked, they could defend selves but the days of attacks are over...U now have advanced times, than in the Stalin days...Back then Bullying was no big deal but now it is...It's time for World leaders and the media too fight for peace rather than just fear monger...and call the leaders of Russia out...Seriously what are they trying to prove besides causing destabilization in the region...and not allowing other countries to advance...etc...

Also, this could be a distraction to focus on a problem rather than a different problem...The Military is supposed to be used as a defense, that is what soldiers sign up for...He on the other hand is likely only using Ukraine as the middleman to catch a bigger fish like the US (who so far has Bitten like a Bass) and its allies...on purpose...?...perhaps...but perhaps it's to start a World War...?...perhaps it's their way of being, Don't be so Blind...really felt like using an explicative...

Russian officials could be mad at me for pointing this out, but they will agree with me of the image they could now portray...Again the media should be screaming this out......What do all Bullies fear the most...?...Being singled out as wimps......(Human Psychology)

The same goes for the US of the petty wars they might be involved in and if handled by the media correctly, could avoid the wants for future useless wars...U could end every war started, as the attacker could be singled out...But will the media actually question conflicts...?...Doubt it..................Perhaps humor would do the trick to solving...but how...


A little laugh at the situation...

This whole crisis could have been avoided, if the Ukranian President would have only winked at Mrs. Putin...and left it alone...he probably would have gotten away with that...could have said he had an itch...but he decided to blow her a kiss as well...making the mistake of closing his eyes as he blew.........., so... he Blew into Vlad's hahaha

So now U know how the crisis started.... maybe...meant as humor only...


On another note...How is Nato a security risk, when (as far as I know) they do not take an offensive risk but R rather for defensive maneuvers and strength...At least that is the whole reasoning for protect from offensive attack...


It's rather humorous that U all trust the Science sponsored by Pfizer but question the Science sponsored by

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