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Thinking Out Loud in Words 150

Writer's picture: GWGW
  • The mom and pop Small Business and Capitalism R 2 different animals...

  • The 2 in my opinion don't deserve to B in the same category...

  • The small business was originally designed to B sustainable..

  • Capitalism is to maximize profits...

  • Capitalism cares 4 nobody but the top...

  • Capitalism might only go so far B4 it hits a dead end, perhaps...

  • Many people start off in small business but greed creeps in and they begin to expand and grow and then transition to a Capitalistic way which then only profits will matter...

  • The small business is perhaps away of earning as was meant to be...But eventually Capitalism started buying out the small mom and pop shops and now people complain of large monopolies...

  • I guess my message is that both R needed...but one perhaps needs to decide which route they will take...It comes down to whether one wants to B comfortable or do they want to B the next Amazon...If the latter, then...

  • U can only get there, perhaps, by maximizing profits...But...will U B able to outdo an Amazon...?...

  • Could the 2 exist to gether...?...perhaps, maybe...but...truly I don't know...perhaps, if greed is Dis involved...then maybe...but...for how long...?...

  • For a money driven world. Can U figure it out...unless money is involved...?...

  • What does Research Hospital mean...?...Lets say someone is viewing from the outside in...What would they think...?...To me it doesn't sound much about cures but research around them...just saying...

  • We still have kids with Cancer...Research what exactly...?...Not meant to upset...But frustrated with the mentality of this world and it's billion $ industries...that's all...

  • If it's proven that your loved ones died for no other reason than Greed...What then...?...Just curious...What if your government had known and R covering it up...What then...?...Just curious...perhaps...

  • Can U test a question of theory...?...just like a question of fact...?...

  • If answer is Yes...Then does this limit the ability of Thinking...?...and...the ability To have Wonder...?...

  • Money can cloud and redirect the mind to think otherwise...

  • I asked B4 can a planet be grown from scratch...?..a galaxy...?...or even a Universe....obviously by nature...but...How about through the manipulation of resources...?...

  • Let's say U could create a miniature planet in a lab...Would one be able to recreate a full size version in space...?...

  • Perhaps a star/sun... may be recreated once one figures out to create fusion...?...

  • Will this Universe ever fill up...?...This may B a moot point as most don't believe in what kind of life may be out there... because we have not been visited yet...

  • But what most fail to believe is that those intelligent beings expect us to figure out how to contact them...

  • ...and...

  • those less intelligent beings like humans are asking the same questions we R... and... coming to the same close minded conclusions......

  • Is the Universe life...?...growing by expanding...breathing because it is growing...perhaps like the cells in our bodies...So in translation is a planet earth comparative to a human body...

  • if U don't take care of either will eventually die...Digging out all the resources can reference the immune system...which degrades after each use...unless U replenish...perhaps...

  • filling the earth with trash and polluting can equate to filling the body with junk food, smoking, alcohol over use...

  • We took money off the Gold Standard...How difficult could it be to take money off the Fed Standard...?...It's all made up anyways...perhaps...

  • Maybe this is already available ...but...perhaps create an app or maybe a device the size of music it highlights the notes as played ... and automatically turns the page to the note being played on the instrument...perhaps, if it isn't already available...

  • Striving for Perfection...means...Doing the Best U Can...Don't get caught up by the word Perfection...

  • We need to figure to get the Small coexist with Capitalism...If we are to have any future... it will have to exist around Small Business without being threatened by Capitalism...This is also a solution for employment along with recycling for the unemployed but becoming the employed...I'm open to ideas...

  • Perhaps an incentive should be offered for no kids...the thinking is that the later in life U decide on having kids...the more established U will be... and so not needing the incentive, perhaps...we have it backwards currently...offering, perhaps, a reward type outlook... the more kids U have the more you'll receive...that's not what an incentive is meant for......What R Ur thoughts on this...?

  • I'm thinking everyone should start out in an apartment when starting a young family perhaps...what's popular in some countries of Europe is to buy a small lot of land and grow on it ..

  • .perhaps put a mini house on it also...raising their families in an apartment... but... almost using the plot like a getaway...

  • many in America and I suspect all over try to do everything at once...

  • like U graduate from college with debt...

  • U meet that special someone...

  • U get married...

  • Buy a Big House to ultimately raise a family...

  • So go into larger debt...

  • U get pregnant...

  • more debt starts collecting...Oh, ...

  • Ur car is breaking down so U buy a new one...

  • more debt...

  • Ur significant other starts complaining about not spending enough time with the kid...But...

  • U explain Ur trying to get the career

  • U work overtime...

  • meanwhile your other needs a new car...

  • more debt...

  • Ur kids growing faster than U had hoped..

  • Ur other tells U she's pregnant again...

  • now the debt is getting unimaginable...

  • U start having issue with the other...

  • meanwhile...

  • Ur co-worker got the promotion over U...

  • U find out Ur getting laid off...

  • Ur other wants a divorce...

  • ...meanwhile...

  • Debt collectors start calling...

  • So U sell everything...

  • the little profit U seem tov have made leaves U in debt after U pay everything off...

  • Oh and the child support that seems larger now that U share time seeing them...

  • Ur kid starts to get into trouble at school blaming U for never being around..

  • U just turned 50, never got the career U had planned on getting or the family U hoped to have...

  • so what R Ur options...start all over...or...visit that gun shop they just opened up down the street...?...I'm not promoting the gun shop route, however...

  • I think we make this game of life more difficult then it needs to be...Perhaps we just need to slow life things 1 at a X...establishing ourselves before decisions R made...But U need struggle in life, right...yes but I think we R misinterpreting the struggle required...I only touched a small percentage of the type of problems...

  • The key perhaps to having government housing is to have the residents working on the upkeep in order to live their...collecting points and then trading them in...making them responsible for their living conditions...We have always given stuff away for free but expected way to much in return...and complain about it rather then to think logically...if U have to earn for it...then...Uu'll care for gets in the way and is simply as if throwing money at the problem...every which way U look at it...even when paying for...

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