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Thinking Out Loud in Words 160

Writer's picture: GWGW

  • I'm having trouble understanding how... U can overturn a case that's not presented by the same plaintiff and defendant...different attorneys are likely OK but the defendant and plaintiff would need to be the same...If they were to pass or whatever reason they cannot stand trial...the statute of limitations would come into effect. Am I wrong in my thinking...?

  • What If...Windows closed automatically to coincide with temperature settings...say U set Ur thermostat to 86* or whatever...when the temp reaches above 86, ...Ur windows close ....and... Ur air turns on...

  • Lets say the heat setting is set to 70... so when gets to below 70 ...Ur windows automatically close ...and ...the Heat is turned on...

  • Say your roof senses it is starting to rain...Ur windows shut automatically ...and... the inside temp. is adjusted to Ur settings and home temperature...

  • I think young kids should be exposed to as much Arts ...of all kinds possible...Then they will be creative in their pursuits and thoughts in whatever career they settle on...

  • What cure cancer...U have to prevent the cells...Sounds obvious...but...we aren't doing anything because no one knows what to do...But we all know what not to do...then again we do just to do...even when we do what to do...Our food is poisoned by the ground it grows...poisoned by the water it drinks...poisoned by the air it breaths...poisoned by the drugs we give...combine that to the same that we humans do by choice and without...and... its no wonder of our dues...

  • In signing a contract with the devil actually doing what not to do...?...Reason breaking addiction could be hard is it can B translated as trying to break the contract...This is how religious texts R to be translated as philosophies...

  • B more exact ...not general in Ur explanation...

  • It's Probably so... that weed users are in the hospital more 1. they are probably overwhelming the brain with cannabinoids...2. They R combining weed with other substances...

  • These type of general explanations R part of the reason cannabis gets stigmatized...the news is worthless leaving out important details...and becomes by choice part of the problem, very likely for Profit...

  • I would perhaps combine like mini golf featured on Holey Moley w/ the water features to get wet as a bad result but indoors for temp. a water park type ...and... I'd also combine a digital driving range. idea...

  • but also perhaps make it as mobile as possible so one could change themes and course...each year, to keep customers coming back...people get bored with the same...This could B one reason for going out of business...with costs being another combined with the same...perhaps...

  • U may not want a birthday party at the same place with same theme... perhaps...

  • perhaps schools should schedule field trips when Dino on is in their area when studying dinosaurs...

  • U get a better experience seeing life size instead of studying from pictures...or perhaps a different experience then even viewing a skeleton...

  • Perhaps U could sell the pour over coffees in vending machines...with all kinds of exotic brands...

  • teams could get involved somehow and logo/distribute during their seasons and off through merch...very likely in the perhaps make holders for disposable cups...if don't already...for the Lit holder on Shark Tank...perhaps

  • teaching child potty training could become a way to earn...for faster child development...

  • Earning over purchasing which is virtually the same but it can be a psychological advantage...

  • Perhaps our Brains are only at 10% capacity on average because we just teach our Brains at a natural speed never increasing for it's potential...This would help explain why some kids can-do grown-up things...

  • Teach perhaps Ur child...

  • Does one become mature through ...

  • development...

  • experiences...

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