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Thinking Out Loud in Words 164/172

Writer's picture: GWGW

Does Brain Development go hand to hand with Luxury...?...Since Development of the Brain could B responsible for the details U notice...The answer might B Yes...but...No...well, not necessarily...because Luxury has many different definitions ...for many... But...Brain Development will lead to a better life and with a better life ...this would lead to a luxurious life... dependent on ones defined term..

The Price of Luxury will come down when U no longer have cheap in order to compete...?...But...U will always have cheap so Luxury can't compete...Does this make sense......?

Luxury...What does that mean...?...Every person will have a different definition...Although materialistic for some, could be a set of feelings for means a form of Luxury, hinting of many types...What ever Ur definition... it should give U reason to strive...

Renting makes sense perhaps for Luxury apartments...but...questionable for what would be considered low quality... ...but...ownership comes with up keep...which people don't figure into...the cost...of ownership...Thats why it might be more promising to go smaller rather than larger ...with ownership...and always figure in upkeep...even when listed as move in ready...

Having a Virtual batting cage might be like a mini golf or even...?

I don't get it...When was America Great...?...not intended to upset Folks but I'm curious...?...with all the lives lost over senseless wars, all physical wars R senseless many families were grieving...

Many people push for a plant diet...Balanced is what I think...and...move Ur Ass...But looking at natures Lion and Lioness it is Carnivore...I'm not suggesting...just stating this fact...but...what is more important is...that it's not always maybe a carnivore diet should B paired with fitness...I would still add greens...when speaking of diets It is not about following unless 100% ...unless have reason to...but guiding towards...stay away from too many snacks and processed foods...And fast in between (equivalent to not always available)...

the problem with space saving furniture is that many R flimsy...

I feel learning disabilities R fixable...its just that we R trying to make a market for it...or industry...but avoiding the obvious and making it illegal...

the point of alcohol was so one could loosen up...not to get Drunk...But it's Ur choice...

Democrat Peoples Choice Republican

Can Handle Want Choice Can't Handle

Tran-Queens Gender Choice Homophobic

Gangs Clubs Secret Societies

Graffiti-Tagging Graffiti-Murals Fake Perfection

Free For All Prison-Rehab For Profit-Prison

Open Borders Let In...Earn Stay Keep them Out

Mix-gender a new term for Transgender...since I don't think queens and heshe-shehe should B as one...

...perhaps...Ahh, but...that might B a new letter to LBGTQ now with An added M ...making it...LBGTQM...sorry for the added

...Curved as label would B so much easier...wouldn't U agree


Curved curves to various degrees...makes it fitting for all...

If U have a problem with weight loss ...consider getting a

G-tube...its not pretty while in...but... I'm sure they could repair...when out...and just take in a lot of me it fills U least it does for me...If U still need to move Ur mouth around snack some fruit, veges or gum.... Get a good blender ...and...U can mix some food with any liquid...does not have to B water...

U make the choice to get pregnant (majority...their R exceptions)... I'm not meaning accidental ...

lets not sound all tragic or sympathetic...

about the choice U made...

U know what else ends life starvation...wars...crime...homelessness/ poverty which can lead to the end of life...

If U can make to self charge...U might not need as large a battery...perhaps...since it technically would be charging as it's driving...with option to even charge when in traffic...

Each country could potentially thrive within its borders...

adding reason for travel...

Just out of curiosity ...but... how can U call something milk if U need to add water ...and... how does it become dairy...if it is...

Can't U filter waste water...?...

U become a World Power by how U treat Ur citizens...more importantly how U make life... and then they make U a world Power...Not by how strong Ur military is...because that depends on Financial and population size...which can go hand in hand...Its not to hard being considered a super power when U r larger then the other...or...U have a threat on another...That was The old way of thinking...but...after two strikes U R supposed to figure it out...

Would Fashion B the same or bigger if all were in shape...?...This is meant in-terms of name brand...Perhaps Big potential...

Inflation...might have to keep up with rising Real Estate costs...?...maybe...?...Its a stretch...but...perhaps...?


I started writing about the outhouse and left off on Urine...Well supposedly Urine is rich in nutrients that plants thrive on...that's what I remember hearing, but don't hold me to it...

so the generic solution to avoiding the Out House would Be to pee in a bottle ...with a large opening accommodate all...and use the Urine to water the garden...or...U could just piss by the tree...and watch the tree an apple tree...for the Golden


todays solution might B to use Bill's pee to water machine ...and... use the water, U would normally flush...

perhaps this is how he should market it...if it still has nutrients...rather than drinkable water...perhaps...just a thought...

World Ingenuity is so Blind for some, who can only complain......Let's see High Gas Prices, Europe being threatened by Gas Availability, promise of solar, turbine tech, low cost but quality housing, to name a few ...and....All R Begging for Solutions...It seems like a handful of folks... actually innovate...Everybody else is reverse engineering, copying, in all the industries, not specific to the few I mentioned...and...doing the same ...or... obvious...------------------------------

I mean when R U all... going to figure out...U don't need wind ...for turbines...technically...or that U can use a wind an"indoors"...hahaha...

To much of Anything is a Bad thing...To much of a Good Thing is a Bad thing...To much of a Bad thing is an even Worse thing...Balance and Moderation...always take the side of caution...Once U think ... only one time...then U just stepped into the arena...----------------------------------------------

Those with known Addiction Problems shouldn't even try to think or to try..."perhaps, only in Moderation "or "Just 1x""...-U should Just Stay Away...because in this arena hardly does 1x not turn into 2x's...

Brain Development could or would help in Decision making...So could early Brain Development mean lower addiction rate...?...maybe, for some more then others...Depends on the process of development...Hardly ever is the answer just 1...So for those having trouble with Rehab... something to think about...

We complicate our lives by making things more difficult so all can think...Wow, they R so smart to come up with that...The thing is the smarter U R to become... the better U R to explain...meaning things become simpler because they R easy to understand...

Happiness could very well be by our choice...Also may be the way U understand Happiness...Its hard to be Happy knowing you screwed up your life...those R called consequences...

Everyone has the privilege to B's your the choices U make...

Or R you confusing Laughter with Happiness...Happiness is a general term of Life... while Laughter is a detail associated with Humor...

Inflation was to make money on money...for investing other reason to have it...except on specific product ...temporarily... while in Demand...and perhaps something to do with everyone having different


No matter what Bullshit excuse they might use...because I can hear them already..."he doesn't know what he's talking about"...which may B true...So explain it please...because what I see on the internet is just a bunch of babble...making justify...

It was never intended to

raise prices on make money on money...that's the only reason to raise prices all around...But... some who will demand for inflation..."fine"...but...raise wages every time U raise inflation... then I will believe the babble...that's if U don't want the economy to fall. Eventually...

Stubbornness could B the difference between Humans and AI...especially if we go back in time...the farther back we go the more stubborn they show...This I assume...Where AI could always B open minded...Could B the reason for Wars back then and even now...this is something that is obvious...

I wonder what kind of experience One can have on psychedelics pairing up with a VR headset, with specific programming of the visuals...perhaps U can steer a certain direction ...One would want to experience...or...for a kind of Treatment...

What Drives a person to B evil...?...The Devil inside...

What Drives a person to B good...?...The God inside...

It's Ur the choices U make...

With better choices One could B Happy and Healthy...but...that is by choice...So U have no one to blame but yourselves...

Destabilize the Financial System...?...It's a made up Fuk-kin Game in the First Place...that obviously they don't even know how to play...

If U R going to use money...U can't print more then the gold U have......So our money isn't backed by U broke the rules... back when U did...To Ur made up game...

Each person should Earn their life...But U all play this unfair game of Inheritance...

While some play Birth Right..

.Upon Graduation or when young adult...One is to start on a level playing field...then U build Ur life from their...When U graduate high school. then U should perhaps get a mini house on a small trailer for example...If U finish higher education U should get something larger(just for a small home with say 2 bedrooms, a kitchen, family, dining) the details could B adjusted...Food provided is like sustainable other type can purchase...medical needs to B figured out...but U get the idea...and U build Ur life from their...This way all have the Basics to build a life.....U get the idea...

When or if U upgrade to say a larger home you simply move out then the home is remodeled repaired...if needed... and the next graduates can occupy...if U decide to stay its Urs for life...U earned it...the more opportunities they earn the more they obviously have...the better job U qualify for...the more * U earn...and so on...a level playing field for all...

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