OK, what Cruz did was beyond words of Horrible......now he faces death penalty, which in my opinion is an easy way out...Life in jail without parole...?...now Ur taking money away from citizens, technically...
Without parole...well he murdered a group of people...so...he earned it...
U earned Ur way into prison...U should earn Ur way out through rehabilitation...but in this case I don't know what the answer is...perhaps U should earn Ur way from the death penalty as well as earn Ur stay...?...But who will earn for life if life is at stake...when life isn't valued...so...this may still make sense for rehabilitation...so that life is understood...though the result...prison for life ...was... by choice...
Both us as a people and the GOVERNMENT...R responsible for our underdeveloped brains...The doctors and those preventing them and lying to the people as a whole...But...especially us for allowing this in what we or some call a democracy...Then the question arises but would we have even listened...?...It's their jobs to convince us...and...they have of the lies...why would they not with the truth...or were they to underdeveloped to search for the truth...
Does brain development have to do with searching for truths...?...
or...is it the elimination of corruption...?
or...do the two almost go hand in hand...?...
They could...perhaps...in not the obvious way...
Do humans need profit to function...?...this may B a rule our leaders have made us live by...
if nature can make Gold why can we not reproduce it... making Gold pointless...since it does nothing but takeup space..oh and gets used for jewelry....thats be why it's not reporoduced...
sometimes I wonder ...Why...?...but... then I remember...
We as Humans always ...think... more is better...,Bigger is better... Stronger is better,.., perhaps meant for substances...because can always B stronger...but....the Larger the Better... is what we believe...so we overwhelm everything... which then causes problems...like...overdose, addiction. injuries, obesity, pain, etc...in the end...hurting our own cause...
R the rules of English...too many...?...(Not only in English)...
Is a country Dominant by it's size...?......Todays warfare size might hurt U...When U step into the digital space...the sides begin to even out ...and... everyone has a level playing field...Can we develop a game perhaps ...where countries can digitally fight but not cause each other harm... besides in the game itself...Can we develop a war game without actually having wars... but perhaps bets... perhaps, but cheating will find its way in...perhaps
Can U have AI play AI to develop Ur AI...Does AI get to a point were it cannot improve...?...except for the creative aspect...perhaps...
The Olympics was meant to take place of Wars...The competitors were meant to replace soldiers...Strength and endurance as well as pure heart and soul were all to B the weapons used...Do U think
we may have mistranslated...?...just a tad...lol...maybe...
But instead it's used for profit by all governments...proving profit is not only a ideology of Capitalism... but a flaw by all...
The same things that give us life...as...We are Aliens to other Life out there......We can't figure out how we became ...yet....we R searching for life as we believe it created our lives......If U think deeply on it ...ET's could have made themselves based on our examples...enhancing or correcting our flaws...
Maybe we create the life around Us...technically this is true...Life creates Life ...but... but someone had to create Life itself...but...how was the life which created our life been created...?...if not by life itself...
Who's responsible if U ask to see for an Id and the one they show ...Is fake...or...has an authentic picture ...but... false information...?... The answer might B different between an authentic and an unrecognizable...?...or is it...people change with age, weight loss, surgery...perhaps if the ID has U question authenticity...then always assume the worst...
Prey might B as one runs away...But...what would one do as they walk into a mother with pups...?...
Taxes R supposed to give U choice...The top has completely the opposite belief...Everyone has it wrong...but...If life was free...they could surveillance all they would want...If taxed ...they need Ur permission.....unless of course, a warrant is present...perhaps...
An idea, perhaps...But I wonder if u can grow cannabis algae...it might calm the sharks down...lol...wasn't really the idea...but...maybe...in edible form, obviously...
Boxing has weight classes for a fair fight...Wars have no weight class...Closest weight class be population size ...Militarily...Do U get where I'm going with this...?...Superpowers have nothing to brag about...What can population size have to do with...well, taxes for spending as one, more available soldiers, better pickings to name some...Dominance perhaps in the old days...but...not, perhaps, today...as technology and shear heart R todays deciding factors...Soon if not today... all it would take is the press of a button. So... perhaps we R .using soldiers' lives, just for pretend...of war...and giving reasons for the spending...a bomb used is a bomb replaced...
How does canceling student debt hurt U economically...?...Either they payback loans to a bank...or... they use that money to boost the economy...
The fact prices R rising while wages R stagnant...meaning they spend less...which hurts the economy....
paying back those loans rather than spending on the economy ...is what hurts it...
The more expensive the less they can spend on multiple items...which also slows the economy..
.its little issues like this that R often overlooked...But...these R never addressed...
Inheritance can B an unfair game ...Perhaps, it should B limited... and...setup to receive as bonuses when a certain amount of points reached...that would make it fairer...perhaps...
People R so concerned with Privacy, ...yet...they have no Privacy... Would everyone still B concerned with Privacy if U were a number rather than be known by name...?... No need for anyone to collect Ur name and street address...Well if U want junk mail they'll need the street address technically...
gas is not essential...or...at least it's not supposed to B...
Having earned is like having Gold...
Gold gives value...Earning creates value...
Earned is Gold...Gold is Earned...
Listen to a podcast while watching a Netflix (if it starts showing commercials) and then having commercials once in a while ...don't bother U...perhaps...or watch multiple screens...with different content...while listening to a podcast...
perhaps, the packaging can be sent back.....recycled w/incentive from someone...the packaging likely costs pennies /bag...so none of these options would make sense to them...but...if recyclable might make sense for someone...
The Best healthcare is preventable...What does this mean...?...the older U get the healthier Ur lifestyle should be...U all do the opposite, if at all...U all play when Ur young and stop when U get married, add stress to the equation and We get the results we do.............Now someone will say..."well, my neighbor Joanne was an athlete and she died of cancer."...likely another man made illness...
could U get monkeypox if U already experienced chickenpox...?...
I might disagree with the thinking that genitals aren't needed for survival...but...it depends on what U mean by survival...literally or emotionally...
Can U have a Halo with soundproofing lined on the inside around helicopter blades...If still maneuverable, would it quiet it down...?...
Why many have autism... most likely has to do with being born underdeveloped in the first place...then perhaps something to do with the vaccines, which might be OK for a developed brain at that stage... but...perhaps, might B different with an underdeveloped brain, at that stage......we don't know for sure...perhaps...
Perhaps the level of autism has to do with the stage of development at time of Birth...
People confuse lonely with being bored...as soon as they R with another, they find other reasons to complain, like frustration......besides......being bored can easily translate
to being lonely...
so...loneliness, maybe...but...I have my doubts...
I don't think they R sexual thoughts at 2...perhaps it is misunderstood...but... perhaps a bond they develop as they R developing...perhaps it's a chemical reaction as they form...they R still developing drastically to surroundings that R new as they figure things out......perhaps
I could B wrong and totally not understand machine learning ...but... and this question has come to thought for me more then once before...but...why could U or could U not teach a machine a complete dictionary and complete grammar rules...and then give hand written directions...and it might or would figure the details out...?...
overtaxing... like payroll and sales...they can sue U for not paying...their salaries...but...I can't for them taking mine...?...I don't understand why they can't...take the number ...instead of physically...its Ur hours worked which is actual payment...