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Thinking Out Loud in Words 167

Would it B advantageous to make pedaling on a bike... gear driven over chain link...?...perhaps, on a road course...mayB...?...

Privacy for Crypto...? perhaps.. at least some regulation would likely B required ...if U want it to go mainstream...otherwise it will just stay a tool...and something else might B thought of with regulation...perhaps...

AI robots likely need empathy but then an understanding of philosophical views which would need a translation from the common sense which most likely is developed...

so basically when I mentioned yesterday, of teaching them a language they can understand from simple spoken or written instructions...It's looking more and more...A functional AI needs to be taught as a human brain does... from birth to infinity as it always learns...the difference being the speed it can B

Basically, a human brain would need to B known from the inside out...something we still have not figured out...but,,, like with everything...we skip the middle and jump right to the end...And build half-ass stuff...

perhaps a self-recharger for EVs can be made as an add-on or bolt-on ...for existing EVs...

with 24 hr news and the internet...why do we still have a congress/...or in other words... complication...

Especially since they can't figure out the point of being appointed in the first place...but they R to figure out how to...the best ways of rule...

today, they R to debate on our convince the way we vote...except when to do with our safety...I'm not even sure they could handle this...and...I'm being generous...

should words have multiple meanings...?...

or... is that a mistake of the past...?...

or... is it up to the way we translate...?...

If by translation

this puts to question...the guilty verdict...or... witness those simply R translations...Does this explain past verdicts, overturned today...perhaps...This gives reason for continued and fertilized our translations become clearer with growth...

Will people's brain development put an end to it is an idea of force from the early times... is...

Socialism... Free as understood...

...or... was played...

We R still getting our directions based on the thoughts of philosophers of the past and the beliefs they had from the understandings of the times...

I think U might need to if the job is relevant to where gender matters to the kind of choices that would be made...if asked...but...this type of job would have a transgender category to fill...


if somehow was needed for job safety...due to the position...

otherwise, if gender does not matter to the position...I don't think U would have to...

and would put into legal question the employer who would ask...

in this situation...perhaps...

even any type of question which pertains to matter how the question is disguised...unless it pertains to the job, as in the type of choices that would B made...

Someone that misuses a pronoun...then for some reason knows ...but... U can't get upset with pronouns because those with names similar to the opposite gender ...get confused all the time... until seen or corrected...

if U don't want pronoun misuse...Do Not asshole will always pop up in existence...At least for a few more generations...perhaps...

In advance... life isn't with it...

Would Brain development help answer questions of question one has at an early age ......Would answers come to the thought of those questions...sooner in life...Would the person hold off on life-changing decisions based on feelings...but...rather on logical thought...

if Ur transgender and U R denied entry into a club...U probably don't want to B by denying U entry they might B saving an don't get upset just move on to the people still have old school type of ideology...that they inherited...and haven't broken the cycle yet...

a small majority of cops today R just playing Dress Up......for Cops & Robbers...

Always expect the unexpected...perhaps

some of these philosophers dissecting old text and philosophies could make podcasts explaining the text of scientific studies or papers to the general public... might take notice of a larger audience...

For a successful startup, U need the capacity To Figure Things Out...

If Ur tired enough it doesn't matter when U close Ur eyes U'll just fall asleep ...not trying...

Thinking can tire U out similar to how physical can...but best when 1 used along with others...Those that R late U sleep right through...or...does Ur body wake U but U fall back asleep...?...I'm of the belief that Ur body can wake U in place of an alarm...If U go to sleep in a timely manner...when U wake at first nudge to wake...Dreams are for translation...I suppose...

Dreaming in/ or for AI...can B in loop mode, rechecking where, what and how could have been done differently...perhaps

We create our own suffering and instill suffering onto others...

misunderstandings of God, R misinterpretations............

our beliefs may B

explaining our understandings...but...

misinterpreted by our beliefs...

Earlier I mentioned how inflation guarantees the downfall of SS...well, inflation causes the rise in everybody raises for inflation...the thing that cost 50$ before, well its raised for inflation... but... all the parts that make up the thing R all increased for inflation also...which makes the final cost way more than SS raised its payment...this could help explain one cause of price increase...greed is another...salaries is a third which technically R increased for the rise in ultimately Inflation will make SS, go into is for some already...

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