might exercising all organs be a key to longevity...?...But
how do U exercise the liver...?...
How do U exercise the kidneys...?...Drinking fluids, urinating then a lot...?...
Exercising the brain...through imagination...maybe, but only starting to ...as... imagination is a result of exercising the brain...so...instead try to figure out... the imaginative thoughts...of how, in what way, if that work or is it a possibility...
Trying to figure out that... may separate a toy from a great toy...a game from a great game...an athlete from a great athlete...Being average vs Great, the great will figure out... how to accomplish ... where the average just attack...
Space Law is a dream right at this time...We can't even get along on earth...Space is looking into the future...the way things look right now We have no Future...Not until U all grow up...and stop Killing Each other...
The Fit R Unfit to Serve...This has been proven throughout time...Over and Over again...Perhaps the fit should finally start to cure some of these disabilities...Otherwise U R useless by Ur definition...
That's what common sense is used for...but the belief we R not to follow nature R incorrect...This is why we have so many problems...
Don't have sex with first-degree relatives or just relatives means not to have intercourse and not by Force, both being of legal age and voluntarily...as long as U can get over the stigma associated...
life starts at a single cell but is developing until birth...so yes technically life does start when sperm meets egg...
Even God doesn't impose Force...
If one is forced into pregnancy...not making a choice... should be technically allowed an abortion... if that is her choice...These types of instances God would understand...
Why Can't U...( I am not meaning accidental force although that should B Ur choice...as well )...
Women might have a different view of what sex is...or should B...men on the other hand might only care for their surprise...
The main problem may be that all associate sex with intercourse...
Feeling guilt or shame may B due to the intercourse aspect...remember a woman by nature is created to create life itself so the body and brain could be setting off some signals helping her feel the way she does...just a guess so perhaps...
Again intercourse is for pregnancy...
A dog might B good for cardiovascular health because U walk them daily...or run around the yard...throw the ball...U have to move around...Other pets might help more with psychological issues...
The child or parent still needs to grow up even though physically looking an adult...This means to advance the brain so U can focus on issues and resolve them as resolution might come with advancement...
The main reason people fall out of Love is that Love is temporary...unless constant...needs to become sustainable...
Lose Love for many reasons like mistranslations, laziness, and assumptions...which all lead to arguing...grudges R held...expectations becoming unanswered...etc...
On average or as all brains Are smaller today, possibly the brain could Adapt to its capacity...If a person stops working out they become smaller...A person stops eating they become smaller...the less doing something then the smaller the desire becomes...
Our brains can hold 200 exabytes of information...and we R still wondering why the Brain is shrinking...but...I would argue the 200 exabytes as that would B used to figure out new info...just like our eyes could be collecting news when we see and our brains translate...perhaps...technically we would collect more through the eyes...never filling...
having Ur Brain tell U what is... doesn't happen perhaps till U become older...or your brain becomes more developed...Does a newborn baby see blurred first...?... newborn doesn't necessarily know what they R looking at but they see perhaps what I'm seeing ...but... my brain might translate the details noticed...so this could mean that when the brain becomes more developed... U take notice of more information... Therefore living standards change and the appreciation for the Luxurious may begin...but...not as simply shiny ...but...level of detail... the level of music becomes more detail-oriented, the quality becomes appreciated...
The Brain might not have receptors...but...does translate what the Body feels, though...
the level of energy used by the brain depends on the amount or status it is using...perhaps
86 billion neurons...Did someone count those...lol...
U may see something ...but...how the brain deconstructs the signals might happen with Brain Development...in other words, U might not take notice of certain, until developed ...with... details depending... on the level U R at...
Values help a Relationship...but...not the only...to make last...
too much of anything is a bad thing...and...then No longer a good...