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Thinking Out Loud in Words 178

Writer's picture: GWGW
  • 178

  • Will we teleport one day...?...I think so but not as we all may B thinking...And the Metaverse might make that happen or has the potential...we will control ourselves through realistic avatar-type figures controlled through our minds without ever leaving home if we so choose...just like we control all our body movements with our mind... we will do the same with an avatar inside perhaps meta... with the physical world in digital format...

  • when we visit a freind we will do it virtually...we will visit them in their home but in a digital format...when we work we will B at work but in a digital format...doing a digital environment... control all machinery like computers with our (grocery shopping like if at store)...(walking through aisles)...(picking off shelf, reading label, placing in)......go to sporting appointments, house hunting before visiting, parties...clubs ...first dates...a possibility for schooling (one day)...and more...

  • The physical will also become the a choice of course..perhaps...this is my thoughts of what the Meta could potentialy be (one day) and more.........

  • But Ur problems in reality won't go away...

  • Those who complain after experiencing the current Meta versions... need to understand that this or that is or was the first version... and... this is only the beginning... U experienced it on a flat screen,

  • horrible graphics to what will B one day... remember Atari in comparison to today and the potential of tomorrow and beyond...could one day B realistic...or...even the first cell phone as compared to the one next to U presently...

  • Why don't they build a robot driver look alike to calm anxiety...he or she can even talk back to U...or sense if U want or need to talk with ...we live in a day of AI...

  • perhaps, it may B better not to have a steering wheel than to watch one turn on its own...?...perhaps...

  • Can U use mulch as a longtime fertilizer...? under a planting...?...or...perhaps...chop it finer so it breaks down as a fertilizer easier...maybe...?...

  • The higher Ur BD level then the less manipulation might fool U...or...U might or could ...realize... when U might B getting manipulated...

  • People might... overwork Humanoids...Unfortunately, this might B the intention... they have in mind...

  • All people have the potential to B good people...but...they choose to B evil...Just like everyone could B Good...they have the equal choice to choose the side of Evil...or...Good...

  • Just answer... "I may be Crazy...but...Ur I win..."... Everyone needs to grow thicker skin......................... Is crazy.......that offensive....?

  • Behaviors could all feed themselves with a little effort at get that engine running...

  • Free Outer Space...I wouldn't B so sure...First, we need to prove ourselves here on earth first...something we have not done yet...2nd we need to First develop a planet to B earth like, create water, grow vegetation...U know discover life by creating life...yes, create water, an atmosphere, landscape by creating and grow animal life...or...make it ( the planet )sustainable...We've got nothing figured out yet...Ai is supposed to help us...not kill for us...

  • say we can magnify light...would then we be able to make a light fryer...?, an oil or air...

  • there is not going to B any building in space if we can't figure out how to get along on earth and start repairing...they R not going to allow us to destroy planet after planet eventually moving out of the solar system...We R not going to even survive that amount of time...if we can't figure out this friendship the planet before it destroys us...

  • I don't believe U should have to buy a physical book unless U want a collector copy...this pay for knowledge is a digital world...libraries served the purpose of free knowledge back in the day when digital was unknown...just make the digital free without the editing, save for physical...if someone wants a printed version or a collecter then they can purchase...why to spend on a shitty book anyways that will B a paperweight...if books R really best sellers..the printed versions will get bought anyways...and...offering an unedited digital version will give better exposure than purchasing...But U all do what U want...I'm just saying.........( But the author goes on podcasts...this is the equivalent of reading the inside and back cover...well, not exactly ...but... ( U know what I mean )...This only steps 1 in marketing...step 2 would B offering a digital version...then step 3 is they purchase a collector or edited version if worthy...

This would B an authentic Best Seller list...

to purchase a printed version... currently, the Best Seller list is based on reading the cover ......Not the Book... Which makes it a Bull Shit rating...

  • my blender sounds like a high-performance combustion engine, or even an F1 car at idle ( perhaps it's my ears )...probably because of its location in the kitchen...but...EVs seem so quiet in comparison...?... very likely the close chambers of room size and environment...perhaps surfaces as well...

  • If there were as many Christians as claim

  • ( by definition )...the World would B a better place...just claiming U R Christian does not guarantee heaven ...neither does attending Sunday church...It just by translation means U'll stay in Purgatory in the next life ...meaning U will continue to the next level...? if better or worse...?...but feel free to Believe what U want...It's not my job to convince U...

  • Could U NOT TRACK WITH A WATCH...?...but...U can track with a phone...maybe I misunderstood what the device was...But confused I am I'll listen again...never mind I misunderstood the concept of having a separate device...but a watch could help to do it discretely...if someone is affected by dementia I'm pretty sure they might not have anything to say about their safety, except for those who care for...

  • Money was not supposed to equate to was to reward effort... that's if the concept of money was used...Power was to B given to the ruler of the people who would B voted in after proving himself...But controlled by the people who were supposed to B at an intellectual level...when I say power to the ruler I mean for the safety and the organization of the Empire...The colosseum was very well used to prove themself to the people.....It very likely wasn't till the white man was introduced in a new civilization that money created power and birthright continued this opinion, so perhaps...

  • why do U need a study...?/...Just say if U get all the work done in four...U get the 5th off...why does it have to B either 4 or 5...its always 5 but if Ur all efficient and do it in four then U do not need to come in the 5th but stay open for those who need that extra day to finish...a study is for permanent status...the workplace is never consistent...sometimes U need that extra day on finish up...

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