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I'd argue that we have no idea why we have viruses... or perhaps what for, Hell, not all agree whether a virus is a life or not...Most Have no idea how to treat or even How to avoid a virus...let alone we have no idea what the immune system is for...how to make it stronger...All we know is give me a shot and then follow up with multiple boosters...in other words, Drug us up so we have no idea...About anything...
Lives could B saved also... if we were to know...about the virus'...
I am not shaming little kids...and...hopefully, maybe they will grow out of it...but...I think some of U are really doing a disservice by not instituting
health + fitness from a young age...
It was made really bad by those in power...And by those influencing the Power...with Riches...
The World is perhaps becoming pussified...perhaps...this could B why Ur all scared all the time...always running away...becoming Prey...Not literally, but in avoidance...
Well, men have always been running this World...and...Women have been considered incapable, especially in the standards they had back then...with the thinking women were baby machines and housewives...with men running the show and making all decisions...perhaps...just a guess...Not to Sound Like A Broken Record ...but... BD level of those in charge and the confidence level of women of those times, which also has to do with BD level...had a thing or two to do with the fact...
Women can still shape History by making their marks currently...the Current day ...will one day ...and...tomorrow B History...
Some People might need to broaden their subjects or interests...perhaps..which could only come from Brain Development...This will equate to thicker skin, less arguing, more listening, fewer mental issues, and more...
But...not on its own...
Make it automatic...if U reply It gives an automatic like...U can still give a dislike but it will B in addition to...and U have to give a reason before it accepts it...just saying bullshit won't work...but take away likes under human control unless reply...if want for pictures...make additional area for artistic ... but keep a picture posted in the main area ...but... can't get a like unless replied to...
We R trying to create a World of spending...Well, U can't spend without the resources.........We do not provide a way to always earn those resources.........We R raising costs... so Most is out of reach... ultimately selling less.........If U want one to spend ... one must have a way to earn, so one could spend what one can earn...Ultimately leaving the choice to them...The more one can earn then the more one can spend...leaving the choice to them...The less one has to spend the more they R forced on the things they do spend...whether The cheap or The name brand...Leaving choice not necessarily to them...
What If...We created a World...so...all can earn. what all has. to spend or save ...but... The choice to B Urs...
...but...To start at an even point...so the choice is really ours...
What if...all had the opportunity for a life of luxury if that would B the choice they make...
...but...all start at the same point...earning the life they live by the choice they make...
Currently, one's life is bought...Not necessarily earned...Although U need to earn what U can spend...but...not all need to earn what they spend or have...
Technically the dollar is just paper until its value is earned... becoming the worth of a dollar...meaning dollars can B printed without bringing their value down...leaving the only reason for a drop in value would be constantly subtracting from the pie...stacking profits ...taking away...but...not recirculating...or... contributing to the economy.........Inflation adds to the equation as prices keep increasing ...the need to payout more... needing to print more ...so others have more to payout...
Somebody might not be doing the job ...to miss... why the need to print more ...when it should B circulating...But...then Profits R what all want...
Again price increases are to B temporary as eventually, they come down ...and... the new model takes its place... until prices for it come back down...with inflation prices don't come back down the R lowered...then increased from the inflation point...and lowered again...and so on...
The only thing permanent is to B costs for natural resources...which R not renewable unless a substitute is created...
Too much of a Good Thing will become a Bad Thing...
The Rich countries R not the only ones responsible (they R for speeding the process up)...But developing countries R just as responsible for the inability to develop themselves...or...preventing their own development...Climate change is mainly for the reason... of the people's inability to progress in order to build a future... with... greenhouse gasses, along with, WorldWide pollution... turning the whole process into a forward action...Everybody is only looking at the obvious and not at the Big...or...Entire picture...
Ultimately Climate change results may mean the end of civilization...The past has made no difference in our current ...only a scaled result...
Clean energy is, more importantly, Renewable...The fact that it is clean allows for the progress of Humanity...
Democracy will not work until the World turns ...or.. helps itself to become Smart so it can power itself...
Would this make sense...The goal for all Worlds is to make themselves into a Heaven...?...We R considered the Heavens for Other Worlds...This could mean that when we die...we all go to heaven...but...the type depends on the life we live...so the life we lead will direct us for better or worse...
Do U all know the meaning of money for which was intended...I'm not sure the originators fully understood ...but my understanding is... its to be a reward for the hours worked...the hours worked R what is supposed to matter...hours worked R what creates the value ...making gold unnecessary as a value for labor...but...of value for itself...and...other non-related riches...